ITALIAN CUISINE: Spaghetti with cuttlefish (by an Italian, living in Rome...!!)

in #food8 years ago (edited)

A good dish of Italian pasta ready in half an hour.

First cut some red tomatoes. I chose the smaller ones, which are sweeter. But big ones are fine too. Just be sure that they are red and ripe…

Then put in a pan a couple of cloves of garlic, a little oil olive and sauté until the garlic begins to get brown and then add the tomatoes, a little spicy chili and a pinch of salt. And let simmer. 

So the sauce begins to prepare.

At this point take the cuttlefish. Better if you asked the fishmonger to clean them: to remove the eyes and inner cartilage. Rinse them under water and cut them into pieces.

Then, as you did for the tomatoes, put a clove of garlic in the oil and when it begins to become brown pour the squids.

Now you have to pans on the fire.

The fire must be high, so the squids release their water. Pour that cuttlefish's water into the tomato sauce, which is still on the low fire. 

Now the squids are dry and the tomato sauce is more liquid.

Add half a glass of white wine and let it evaporate, still over high heat for four to five minutes.

Now put them all together, tomatoes and squids, in a pot. And let cook over low heat, covering the pot with a lid.

Put a large pot of water on the fire. When it boils, add a large pinch of salt and throw in the pasta. Spaghetti. On the package, normally, you find the cooking time. Usually, depending on the quality of pasta, between eight and twelve minutes.

Drain the pasta a few minutes before the indicated cooking time and pour the sauce with cuttlefish and the pasta in a large pan and finish cooking them all together for a few minutes, adding a little of the pasta cooking water, if you realize that the dish is becoming too dry.

Pour into dishes and add a pinch of parsley.

Enjoy your meal!

Photo references:

The cover photo is not mine. ... I was focused on the preparation of the dish and I forgot to take it! (http:) //

The other photos are mine. They are blurred and not so good, I know it. ... But try to cook and take the photos at the same time and let's see!!


It looks fantastic and delicious @marcodobrovich! Followed!

Thank you @cynetyc. Try to prepare them and let me know...
And if you think it's the case... resteem it! (;
I'll follow you.

Hola Marco!! Te comento en español, así puedes practicar y entender el lenguaje más coloquial, si no entiendes alguna expresión me lo comentas por el chat.
Qué pinta mas buena tiene eso!!!! (expresión coloquial para decir que parece muy sabroso).
Has probado alguna vez los calamares, también conocidos como chipirones o giviones en España, en su tinta? parece que se han caído en petroleo por la tinta, pero están buenísimos.
Apetitoso post!!!!

En el norte de Italia, en Venecia, se puede comer un plato muy sabroso que es la "polenta con il nero di seppia" y en el sur, en Sicilia, la "pasta con il nero di seppia". Donde "il nero di sepia" es la tinta negra de los calamares! Son negros como el petroleo, es verdad. Pero ...son platos divinos!
Hasta pronto!

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