What are the benefits of brinjal?
Image Source - https://bn.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/বেগুন
Introduction: Eggplant is one of the very most popular fruit and vegetables. These vegetables are available throughout the year. It can be found in any place of the home and its own results. The size of the shelves of your property is given to shelter at any small or big place. will be. You can stay calm and do not cheat you with diet with the demand.
Vitamins and minerals: Protein is 1.4 grams per 100 gram, calcium 18 mg, carbohydrate 4 grams, phosphorus 47 mg, riboflavin 0.11 mg, flat iron 0.9 mg, 0.3 gram excess fat, potassium 200 mg, nicotinic acidity 0.9 mg, Vitamin ' C '12 mg, fibre 1.3 g, Bitamin' A '124.U.U.
Benefits: When you have a feeling of sleep, you'll be able to sleep at night by combining eggplant with honey and then rest well and rest well during the night. For individuals who develop malaria, if the liver increases, they'll burn renewable brinjal each morning with just a little molasses in the abdomen. It will be useful to eat regularly for 20 to 30 days. With the looks of the liver organ, if it converts yellow in somebody's face then it'll be gradual.
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