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RE: STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #11 : The "Carefree Cow" Veggie Burger - Original Recipe

in #food7 years ago

Thanks for this! My wake-up moment (though I was heading towards vegetarianism) was being parked next to a truck of pigs on the way to the slaughterhouse. They sounded human - crying, frightened, doomed.


Ugh it's awful isn't it? And so often people say they're just dumb animals with no feelings comparable to those of humans :-( Thanks for commenting!

If people REALLY thought about that fact that pigs are as smart as dogs...perhaps they'd reconsider the whole meat-eating thing - along with, of course, knowing how the beef industry is contributing to global warming, that chickens are bred from chicks to full-size in 5 weeks, etc. etc. But, when we preach, no one listens, so I just try to gently persuade by my behavior, and when people as why, I will tell them.

I agree! People hate preachy veggies, though I suspect it's because deep down they know it's true, they just don't want to face the truth otherwise they'd be compelled to give up meat. Most meat-eaters I know won't even spend a little extra on free-range and it drives me crazy! I just sometimes post pictures on facebook of animals in their horrible captive environments, but of course no-one comments. In fact I think a lot have 'hidden' me on FB due to this ha ha!

I know what what you mean - esp when they are pet owners / animal lovers. When the story came out a while ago about some FDA regulation so that horse meat could be imported here (think that was it), there was an uproar. And people are generally appalled that dog meat is consumed in China. But somehow there is a disconnect between cows/chickens/fish/lobsters and other sea creatures/pigs and those other critters.

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