Morning Glory Mango Smoothie Recipe and Photo Shoot

in #food7 years ago

Smoothies have been a fact of life for me for years now, and I figure it's a habit that'll continue for many years to come. I'm a fan of those big thick smoothies, super cold and delicious. Lately, we've been having something similar to the smoothie that's pictured here, so I decided to share it with all of you, today!

What I used:
Plain yogurt
Brown Sugar
3 dates
1 Banana
Frozen Mango
Frozen Strawberries
Almond Milk
2-3 T flax seed meal

I start with the yogurt, dates, flax meal, and banana, always ending with the frozen stuff. Add milk over all of it, but not too much or you'll make it thin. Unless you like it thin, I personally don't.

Check out some of my other recent posts!
Chocolate Chip Peanut Powder Pancakes Food Porn
On the Run Flashbacks Part 1
Central Market Adventures: Today's Trip Part 2


Sounds delicious! Maybe there is a eating establishment that would be interested in your recipe and photo marketing for the product. There could be some business opportunity there. - Troy

It's something that could be open to me if I wanted it I think, however I have too many committments I'm behind on :) Steemit being one of them.

sooo delicious yummyyy

Similar to what i do. Sept i throw some raw eggs in. Sorry if you are vegan. Im not. Looks delicious! Im wanting to throw in kale or greens....

I'm not vegan, I use regular yogurt in this. I just don't like the idea of raw eggs because I just am not really that big a fan of cooked eggs. Partially to do the fact that unfresh factory farmed eggs are harsh on my tummy and we're currently in short supply of home grown eggs.

Long winded answer haha

I hear ya. If you have farm or organic, you should try adding one. You cant taste, 70cal of good fat & protein. I truly believe in the nutrition of eggs.

both the view and the smoothie look good lol

Yum! I love my morning smoothies too. Though I like mine without added sugars and a bit of green too. Beautiful pics as always.

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