Crappy day's 'medicine' (Personal suggestion)

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Flaky croissant filled with chocolate milk and a cup of coffee milk!!

This is my 'medicine' for today !!

I already shared it in my previously Chocolate Mousse - Homemade recipe for chocolate lovers post:

"Chocolate is one of the things that makes my world go round!"


How about you!? Do you have any special treatment for crappy days?


@liliana.duarte cheer up!
we all have those ;)
you're not alone
I hope the chocolates did lighten up your mood ;)

I'm fine now! Chocolate, a hot bath and a good night of sleep fixed my crappy day! :) Thanks!!

My medicine would be to eat TWO of them :)

Ahah!! That's too much sugar :)

I am made of sugar ... and bacon! Lots of bacon!! :)

It won't work, all that chocolate... It's not good for your health... Now GIVE ME ALL YOUR CHOCOLATE!!!! :)

You're late, it's all gone!! If you ever came to the south I can show you where to find more of these ;)

I'll put in an order for that tomorrow morning! Looks good -- and you are right about food as medicine -- but usually, for me, it's weeds, lol, not chocolate. But in this case... chocolate! ; )

Totally, food can be compared to a 'medicine', I mean, to prevent diseases! But from times to times...chocolate!!

But chocolate is from a plant, right? So it's medicine, too! ;D

I love your point of view|| Now I've a great excuse ;D

"Do you have any special treatment for crappy days?"

  • cacao,
  • coffee,
  • tea (green, black - with or without jasmine),
  • chocolate, too,
  • "nuts" (walnuts, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios, macadamia nuts, ...),
  • fresh salad with much vinegar, olive oil and garlic,
  • pomegranate seeds ...

It seems I have a lot of crappy days to need so many kinds of "medicine". :-)

I love all those too and could easily use it in crappy days. I just ate a lettuce salad with much vinegar, olive oil and salt. How you use garlic in the salad? Fresh cut garlic? Curious...

Thanks for your reply!

Yes, fresh cut or also shredded.

I just (at night!) ate pasta with much Parmesan ... that helps as well. :)

I already used dry garlic, and it was ok. Maybe I'll try a bit one of theses days, not much because no one likes to have bad breath;)

Amazing combination as well!! :)

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