14 day fast of no meat and no add sugar...

in #food7 years ago

It started as a 2 week fast for and with the church.

Like the rest of the world, I watched What the Health and was inspired. However, did it lead to a lifestyle change?

If you are not familiar with the documentary, it is an aggressive one sided push for people to become vegan. If you are as gullible as I am then it is best not to watch. After a friendly review/debate I decided to look into the facts.

It was not hard to find information against the documentary. Debating both sides would be subjective too. Instead, let me tell you what I learned. You see my best friend has the natural talent to debate without becoming argumentative. After discussing it with her I started to wonder more about this documentary. If you are interested in plant-based diet make sure you see both side of the coin.

Both sides then your side..

There is enough science to argue and support both side. In the end you must decide if maybe the best option is to just buy from local markets. At the end of the day, our problem is mass production.

Our food is made to grow at an unnatural rate to support our grocery store demands. Low quality of food is the problem. For a quick read, I would recommend reading Debunking What the Health, the buzzy new documentary that wants you to be vegan.

My side

After 2 weeks of non animal meat or anything with added sugar there are a few changes I didn't expect.

I didn't expect.

  1. To eat so much and lose weight
  2. To feel more energize
  3. To want to continue and maybe make this a lifestyle.
  4. To not crave meat.
  5. To want to buy only organic, none caged, etc. Basically, as close to a local farm as possible and not spend a fortune.
  6. To eat so much rice and bread

I did expect.

  1. It to be so challenging to make meals that are fulfilling.
  2. To crave Sweets

Who knows how long I will go without eating meat. I am pretty happy with all my veggies.

What are your thoughts on planet based diets, consuming dairy, and fasting?



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Couple weeks ago I did try this out of curiosity. By the 4th day I felt more energy. It came out of no where. I do believe there's something to this. Nice read.

Thanks for stopping by, have you continue to increase your veggie in take verse meat in take or still heavy on the meats?

I eat a lot if chicken more then anything else.

By choice or taste preference?

Great job, I hope you provided further updates down the road with how your progress is going on this. Those all look mighty tasty! Don’t really know much about living a meat free life as that would be considered a sin under the house I’m living in for now. I do enjoy just having watermelon for my lunches though and it feels nice and refreshing.

As for as sugar I try and stay away from it. All massive amount of sugar ever seem to be is a short term tradeoff for an energy burst for a long term result of being tired and needing more. Since I’m someone who hates sleeping I try and avoided it like the plague!

Btw, you are an excellent commentary. Just checked out your post about writing comments and I wish more followers like you. I'll leave a comment in there shortly. Lots to say, but I'm still at work. ugh, lame I know! :)

Now to your actual comment. I used to be heavy on the meat. I once watched them slaughter a cow and my month filled with water. At that moment I knew the vegan like wasn't for me. I craved meet like no one else and I craved it raw. With that mental imagine I am beyond shocked at how much I don't miss it or crave it anymore.

Sugar, however, I love and have a long term relationship with that will be going no where. :-)

Im currently on a paleo diet[i love my meat so no vegan here] with some fasting in between, the best thing I've done so far and stop drinking too much lol, so pretty much cut out bad intakes and start putting in good stuff :)

Interesting, I have heard of paleo but do not know much about it. What made you lean towards that one?

I gotta little overweight still good with body fat under 26%, my SGT suggested the diet, im just a big guy lol

I need to check my BMI, last I checked I was 29. What is SGT?

Sergeant like in the military

Oh, that is serious!

Yeah im not doin so good on the two mile run lol im a 1:00+ too slow.

Well how fast are you running it now?

What has worked best for me has been to adopt a flexitarian diet. I usually do not eat meat or dairy products, but occasionally I will if a social situation or simple craving calls for it. I won't go crazy with it though. For example, I don't see myself ever eating a whole steak, but I'll have a bite or 2 of it. I also make sure to take a B12 supplement and add nutritional yeast to my diet when I'm eating zero meat. My stomach feels so much better doing this and I have lost quite a bit of fat.

I didn't mention this in my post but I was surprised at how gassy I felt. I wonder if it's a lack of B 12 and the other thing that you mentioned. So glad that you commented thank you!

Not sure. It's like that in the beginning until your body acclimates.

Come on body, acclimates!!

Awesome Kubby. I hope you will keep it up.

I've been wanting to write a guide for going plant based actually. No sure when I'll have time at the moment between steemlords and TeamAus, plus going to Europe for 2 weeks from Saturday!

I need this guide in my life, please do it! Why are you leaving me for two weeks?

It's wonderful that you're doing this, Kubby! Stay strong, sister! <3

I was vegan for four years (and vegetarian for half my life, although not anymore). During my vegan years I was skinny and healthy and I can confirm that the unexpected things you noticed about yourself were true for me too. I loved how I could eat as much as I wanted without gaining extra weight. But I did have trouble building muscles, though, even when I worked out.

Hmm, maybe I should get on the same diet, when I get back to Sweden. After all this (not always healthy) feasting on delicious local foods I've been doing in Korea and here in Japan. What do you think?

I definitely ate a pineapple and beef pizza yesterday. :-) I really don't like letting food go to waste and knew If i didn't eat it would be thrown away. Ugh, living at home struggles. Vegan and vegetarian for a while to what now?

Are you eating meat now? When you say back to healthy eating will that be non meat based or more balanced then your traveling diet?

Fasting is really hard to start because you have to have a lot of willpower. Good job making it to the 2 week mark. I've done fasting myself and I do feel a lot better after I get past the beginning transition pains. It feels good to get all the toxic stuff out and only eat healthy stuff.

You got that right, the first few days are tough and as the cravings increase the challenge is even harder. What did you fast?

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