
Excellent! Thanks @kiwideb.... I shall definitely have a look at that ... and thanks for reading my post. It is actually just to keep me motivated to follow the 10 program... mild headache starting to kick in {frown}

withdrawal probably... helping people change their diets is what I do, so my eyes are drawn to the words "change of diet" like a magnet! I haven't heard of the 10 program though.

Typo @kiwideb ..... 10 day program..and it is not so much a program as a 'I doubt I could handle much longer' timeline {smile}. So you are a nutritionist?

A nutrition coach. I specialise in helping people with food sensitivities, and am a GAPS practitioner (Gut & Psychology Syndrome). You must be about 4 days in by now - how is it going? @sift666 and I did a water fast a couple of months ago. It wasn't as hard as I feared. But we only did 3 days.

Snot nose sore throat... a bit bone weary {smile}... Spirits are lifted by an hour walk in soft falling rain. Damn, we need it.
As regards the juicing. Day four today. It is pretty easy during the day, am a bit more organised now having purchased 3 x 300ml bottles with ice rods in the middle... so I drink at 3 hour intervals after having a big juice for breakfast.I do eat evening meal but a half portion. I have lost 2.1 kg's in three days. I also do a 3-4 km walk every dog has habits {grin}. I appreciate the interest, so thanks.
Edit: Oh yes, I did spend quite some time on your blog reading the GAP. series. Very interesting and something new to me.

Looks a fantastic recipe..... I will have a go at it this weekend. And of course I will blog it giving you full credit {grin}.

thank god, we were afraid you would not blog about it. whew, crisis averted

Cool... nice post. I am glad we have a comedian on board. A royal 'WE' as well...nice man. I am thrilled to be in the presence of royalty..with humour...bonus!

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