Never throw away leftovers: Steak and cheese sandwich

in #food7 years ago (edited)

I love using left over food in a next occasion. It is such a shame to throw away food, and in my country is has also a different reason. Food here on our island is damn expensive! Everything has to be imported by plane of ship and of course that drives up the price. So because of the price but also because of the fact that I hate to throw away stuff is try to use left overs in a different way.


Momma always said: eat your meat, an animal died for that

Earlier in the week we had a big fat barbecue at home and since we were just eating then with two people, of course we had left overs. So today we used some left over pieces of smokey steak to make a steak and cheese sandwich on a bagel.


We chopped the left over steak into small pieces and chopped some shallot and scallion.


We fried these pieces of steak in some vegetable oil in a ridiculous hot frying pan, adding some soy sauce and some sweet soy sauce. Toss in the scallion and shallot and give it some heat for a bit (not too long otherwise your meat will be super tough)


Drape this mixture on a bagel / sandwich / baguette, whatever you have in your house (These are just frozen bagels, cheap in the supermarket here)


Put on some slices of cheese of any kind. And add some salad if you want. I'm super proud of these pieces of lettuce because they are from my own garden!! Read here all about my own little garden

Breakfast for winners, and not throwing away any pieces of meat. JIIIHAAA


Ziet er zo lekker uit en wist niet dat voor jullie eilandbewoners het eten zo duur is!

Vreselijk duur helaas! Een lidl zou hier echt de bom zijn! Ik schrik me vaak echt helemaal lens over de prijzen van dingen, en in combinatie met lage salarissen is dit echt een groot probleem waardoor mensen vaak ongezonder eten dan nodig is

Nou meubels enzo bijvoorbeeld zit al een aardige fee op ..die dingen komen met de boot dus dat duurt ook weken.

Met het vliegtuig dingen opsturen is echt onbetaalbaar, en als je kijkt naar post enzo...dat duurt vaak 2/3 weken..

Dus allemaal niet heel erg ideaal op zn minst te zeggen :(

Sint Maarten. 1000 km noordelijker :))

Mom and grandmom said that throwing away food was a huge sin. I am not into that this-is-a-sin stuff but I agree it is completely wrong.

Sin is big word, but valueing that its a bad idea is totally true. I can hear my mom in all of this 'if people are dying of hunger, its wrong to just throw away food'

Looking very tasty! And I am jealous of your lettuce. I wish I had a garden to grow my own stuff.

Thanks for not throwing away food!

Yeah we made a special box on the porch because I also dont have a garden, and that works perfect for now. Would love to have more space though for a bigger plantage!

Yum yum I actually love steak breakfast haha

Right! Leftover steak for the win!

Anyone that throws away good meat deserves to never eat meat again.

I do this a lot with my leftover meat as well. Often I'll chop it up like you do, and will build a quesadilla in the toaster oven with it. Steak quesadillas! move! I also always have some wraps in the freezer, perfect destination for that.. Gracias!

I don't like wasting food either. This was inspirational! Kudos to you for growing your own lettuce too. This was a breakfast of champions!

Yeah! Im really trying to grow some of my own veggies at home, also for the cost reduction but also because I like the concept of non sprayed truly organic stuff ;)

This was really good breakfast! Also using left over chicken with mayonaise and curry to put on a sandwich are just super easy but good ideas. No special skills needed for these kinds of things :)

SO TRUE! We just heard a podcast about recipes that specifically use left over food for cooking. SO many things can be made with leftovers, they should never be dumped or thrown away!

And never should be considered as shitfood. But you have to pimp it up a often to make it a little bit more enjoyable

PS i checked your profile, you didnt make an intro post as yet??? Curious on what you are going to write about

I Love Junk Food!

not junkfood man, homemade creations!

As I am looking throughout your comments you are giving really short an spammy comments to a lot a people, without really paying attention to the post nor upvoting.

I would recommended you to stop this or @steemcleaners might just be coming for you to give you a flag or a downvote

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