
That lawsuit money won’t stop Monsanto that’s just chunk change to them. The best thing to do is make gmo labeling on food products maditory but I don’t see that happening.

I don't entirely trust GMO products, but I DEFINITELY don't trust government regulatory bodies. We need independent certification like UL does for electronics.

The best thing we can do is to grow our own food if we can also hunt and fish as well.

Don't be too quick to discard the benefits of the division of labor and specialization.

You taught me a new word. “Specialization.” Let me see if I can understand your reply.
do you mean the importance of our role we play in society that benefits everyone?

Specialization: I am really good at task X, so if I focus on doing X instead of everything else and trade with others who are better at other tasks, we all economically benefit. This assumes there is sufficient market demand for X, of course.

"Society" is just a blanket term for the voluntary associations and exchanges of individuals. "Society" doesn't exist on its own as some kind of entity that reasons, chooses, acts, can be owed a debt, etc. There is no need to worry about what "benefits everyone." It all simply boils down to respecting individual spheres of authority as defined by life, liberty, and property. Benefits are chosen by the individual. "I offer this, and ask that in exchange. Do you accept?" If both parties agree to such a voluntary exchange, the fact that the exchange occurred proves that both parties perceived a benefit to the exchange, and wealth was created as both gained in the transaction.

Wow thanks for such a reply that’s a big one. But I did get it right!

Megacorporations like Monsanto certainly do everything they can to avoid the accountability of a voluntary market, and instead seek political plunder. I suggest reading Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt for a more thorough (yet thoroughly readable) intro to sound economic analysis

Psychopaths rules the world, and psychopaths don't care about other people.

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