What's Cooking Good Looking #2

in #food7 years ago

If you guys love butter as much as I do, then you will agree that experimenting with the creation of different butters is loads of fun!! - and so easy!

If you haven't already taken a look at the recipe for the above pictured Lime, Chilli and Coriander butter - here is the link...


So, once you have made this absolutely DELECTABLE butter, you could pretty much do anything you want with it - in fact, I made it for my family over the December holidays and my dad ate it with everything! lol!

If you are not yet tempted to go and read the "how to"... here is a little teaser for how delicious its makeup is...hehe

OK, now that you are convinced as to its deliciousness... lets get going shall we...

In this instance I am making this heavenly butter to accompany our mielies / corn which will be cooked over the open fire... but just as easily done in a pan or in the oven... whichever takes your preference...

Firstly, you need to soak the mielies in water for at least 30 minutes. This prevents them from burning - no matter which method you choose to cook them with.

As we are doing these over the open flame - I have created a make-shift container out of tinfoil and then put a nice healthy "dollop" of butter on to each section of mielie... personally, I prefer to cut them into small segments (approx. three segments per mielie) - I think it is A) easier for people to manage, B) more aesthetically pleasing for plating and C) caters for the people who would like to "try it" but don't want to eat an entire mielie.

Once "buttered" you can begin to cook them.

​On the fire (and if frying), you will need to turn them frequently and will probably need to cook them for a good 20 minutes. For the oven - Never done it, so I have no clue... good luck with that - live and learn... that's what I do. haha!

No seriously - I would "guesstimate" possibly about the same time - maybe a little longer - 30 min - 15 min per side at about 200 degrees Celsius... but for heavens sake - don't hold me to that. lol

​Oh - I forgot to mention - don't use all the butter for cooking... save some for the serving. There are just certain things that taste better when served with fresh butter and mielies are definitely one of them! (Actually - in my opinion... that is EVERYTHING... but hey... lol)

and that my fabulous friends - is it!

​Simple as that - and how good does that look!

In this particular instance, I served these mielies with rolled pork belly, cous cous and warm green beans topped with VERY thinly sliced mozzarella cheese.

And no surprises... it was absolutely fantastical!

A little tip which I learnt recently for slicing mozarella....

Place it in the freezer for about 20 minutes (freezer dependent) and then your mozarella slices will no longer look like doorstops... yay!!! haha!

Whether you do the mielies or not... DO try the butter!!!!

and if you missed my last "Whats cooking good looking post" - you can find it here:



Looks yammy 😋 I love corn with butter and salt

hehe thanks and.... WHO DOESN'T!!! lol (they must be mad if they don't!)

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