It's time for huevos rancheros! Recipe and food photos (and GIF!)

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Huevos rancheros (WAY-vose ran-CHER-ose) is Spanish for rancher-style eggs. But you don't need to know the origin of the words or anything else at all, except for this recipe. Trust me.

Huevos rancheros is a no-fuss combination of all good things. Many choose to eat it for breakfast, but I give it the honor of being my dinner. It means that much to me.


Each time I make huevos rancheros, I do something a little differently. Each time I make them, my family gobbles them up - even the picky ones. (And I have picky ones).

This time, it's savory black beans simmered with bay leaf and diced tomatoes, fresh corn off the cob mixed with queso fresco and cilantro, browned sweet potatoes and zucchini, eggs over easy, smooth avocado, and a spritz of lime juice. These are some of my favorites all huddled together in one satisfying (and portable, as you'll see) meal for any time of the year.


Keep reading for a glimpse into my twist on the classic huevos rancheros.

In a pan over med-high heat with a drizzle of olive oil, I let the corn get nice and toasty. After cutting it from the cob, I mixed it up with queso fresco, cilantro, and sliced green onions.


Recovered corn with crumbled queso fresco, cilantro, and green onions

Recovered sweet potatoes

I browned the potatoes (a few regular potatoes snuck in there too!) in a pan with some olive oil and salt. For the last few minutes I threw in some diced rescued zucchini.

Avocado, you're my best friend!

Los huevos.


If you build it, they will come.

Stack it up! Beans! Potatoes! Corn! Avocado! Egg! Oh Yeah!


For the black beans, either cook up some dry beans or use the ones straight from the can. Let the beans simmer in water or chicken stock with a bay leaf, 2 cloves of crushed garlic, some chili powder, diced tomatoes, and a splash of olive oil until the liquid thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon.


Just so happens that tonight was a POOL NIGHT. So we packed these flavors to go in takeaway containers and hopped on our bikes for a fabulous pool-side dinner.

We added some spicy chipotle sauce to kick it up. Go for it if you like it spicy!

Do huevos your way! Here are ways to change it up, without messing it up!

  • Use diced beets and carrots instead of potatoes
  • Use pinto beans instead of black
  • Make a vinegar cabbage slaw instead of (or in addition to) the corn
  • Add some red chili sauce to the top
  • Add diced chicken or steak
  • Add sour cream (or crema)
  • Add mango salsa or tomatillo salsa
  • Add sauteed peppers and onions
  • Serve it over lettuce for a huevos rancheros ensalada!
  • Roll it all up in a tortilla like a burrito for a flavor bomb!

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, go ahead and check out my blog.

All content and photos by @jaymorebeet, taken in July 2017 with a Canon EOS 7D Mark II.


Nice post @jaymorebeet!!! Looks like it would be great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! With all the great food-related posts you've done in such a relatively short time here on @steemit, I think you might be ready to open your first restaurant 👍🏽👍🏽

Hahah thanks @cognoscere! In my dreams! You can be the maitre'd!

This looks awesome @jaymorebeet! I have bookmarked this to try myself... My daughter will love this too! :)

She sure will- mine do!! And seriously you can't screw it up (not that you would)! :)

the food looks so delicious and yummy

Aw thanks @edsonrattner! Glad you think so!

Looks yummy 😋

Gee thanks @aboutyourbiz! Huevos rancheros is one of my dinner staples!!

I don't believe I've had them, at least not like yours

Yeah I'm fairly certain I have taken many liberties and what you see here is quite a variation on the classic :)

I can almost taste it...yum, yum.... @jaymorebeet
and we have a mutual best friend... ;)

Haha! Yesss! Avocado breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack. All of the above! Thanks @awesome-seven :)

Now I'm hungry 😋

Sorry not sorry :)

Very interesting 😃 @jaymorebeet

You should definitely try making it @xuanvo!

Yum yum...

Yes, this one is a crowd-pleaser for sure! Thanks @pema!

Your food always makes me happy. So many colors and it looks so delicious! Will give it a try, but without the corn. For some reason that is one of the only veggies I do not like!

Yes do! You can do so many things with this dish :) That's why I needed to write that list at the end of the post, because I RARELY ever do the same thing twice :) Thanks so much @amy-goodrich for your nice words :)

I hear you! I almost never cook the same thing twice... except our favorites! Enjoy the weekend @jaymorebeet!

great recipe, and nice food

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