The Case for Keto 4steemCreated with Sketch.

in #food6 years ago

Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!
I'm continuing my series on the remarkable benefits of the Keto
diet today although it's more of a lifestyle change than a diet plan.

If you're unfamiliar with Keto it's an eating plan which puts your
body into Ketosis which means it burns fat for fuel instead of carbs.

You literally become a fat-burning machine and the fat just falls off
effortlessly without counting calories or having to starve yourself.

Also, the health benefits are astounding with the elimination or
improvement of many diseases and conditions which I listed in
previous posts and is also a great detoxifier and anti-aging
Keto chart.jpg

It does take great self control at first because it is a low carb diet
and most of us are addicted to carbs and sugar. And that's what's
killing us. No problem though, easy to fix if you have a little bit of
will power. Don't do like this guy!
ct-casey-webb-man-v-food-chicago-20170825.jpg Man vs Food

For my wife and I some of the benefits are improved skin, mental
alertness and memory improvement, and of course the weight just
fell off like magic. It's the safest, healthiest way to lose weight.

Okay that's a brief catch up description of the Keto diet but today I
wanted to talk about cholesterol and how the Keto diet affects that.
The Keto diet is by far the best way to treat high cholesterol conditions.

That's because Keto is safe and healthy with no side effects, unlike
statin drugs. The Keto diet is amazingly effective at lowering the LDL or
bad cholesterol while at the same time increasing the HDL or good

In other words it balances your cholesterol. Safe, easy, problem fixed.

I will be posting more Keto information again soon.
Thanks so much for reading and God bless you all!

-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck

ps- you might just be a redneck if:

you've ever been involved in a custody fight over a hunting dog!



very helpful, stay healthy! 👍 greetings

thank you so much @viktoriyani and nice to meet you!
yes Keto is very exciting to me because it improves or heals so
many diseases the natural way. One of the few things we actually
have control over these days, our nutrition. God bless you!

Couple updates on my minor keto quest... Conversion to coconut oil from olive oil. CHECK.

Giving up potatoes every morning with my egg...CHECK.

Surprisingly easy too, Jon, and maybe it's just psychosomatic, but I've felt more energetic the past couple weeks.

well with you it could be some type of psychosis that's for sure but lets give Keto
the credit! lol.
hey, you know what we do and it's a win-win for breakfast?
sweet potatoes are keto friendly so we cut them up and fry them real good and
brown in lots of the coconut oil and they are really really good once you get
used to them not being white. and that has really helped me get away from
the white potatoes but anyway that us super news my friend!

you're already off sugar so decreasing potatoes is huge, you're already
half way there.

There's no sugar in SWEET potatoes...?!?

yes there is sugar in sweet potatoes but if you are not going for the total Keto diet then they are a good substitute. For instance, when we first started we went total Keto to get the whole effect but after a couple months you can start adding carbs back in so we added sweet potatoes because they have alot of carbs. They do have sugar also but with a meal they don't throw the ketosis effect off for most people.
so I wouldn't worry too much about it unless you are really going in full strength and then like white potatoes they are out. You can also bring back white potatoes after awhile but not everyday.
But having said all that they have test strips that you use to see what throws you out of the Keto zone and it's different for different people, very personalized so everyone has to experiment. we don't worry about that though, if we
do Keto 5 or 6 days a week that is super healthy and good enough.
Now if I was fighting cancer or something I'd be more strict because cancer thrives on sugar and strict Keto has no sugar.

Thanks for the explanation. Sadly, sweet potato is the one food (outside of poorly made porridge) that I still, to this day, do not care for. I'll just try to stay away from as many carbs as possible as often as possible. That's about the best I can do for now....

ok @mepatriot what about regular bread?
and what is porridge, just soup?
Anyway my wife and I found another bread that tastes good but it's not totally Keto
friendly but would be a nice compromise and it's not bland like Ezekiel Bread.
It's made by Alvardo Street Bakery and the one we get is called Sprouted California Style.
just in case you ever get to a market that carries it but not many do. If you have Sprouts
stores up there you can pick up a bunch and freeze them. greatly reduce the sugar your
body makes from the regular bread or you can choke down Ezekiel bread! lol

I'm just cutting back on the multigrain bread I eat for now, from 3-4 slices a day to 1.

Porridge is another name for oatmeal.

@mepatriot what the?? 3 or 4 slices a day?
what are you daft man?! lol! just teasing, no that's an excellent and very
logical, practical approach. what else would we expect from @mepatriot?

Howdy from Arkansas, right on up the road. Sound advice- I do kind of a paleo diet, lots of rare red meat. I also take Berberine, a natural supplement that helps with Type 2 diabetes as well as cholesterol and triglycerides.

thank you for reading sir @richq11 I started reading your posts about your life and it's so fascinating, I have to get back and finish.
I don't know what Berberine is but if it's natural then I'm all for it.
Doctors have had tremendous success treating type 2 Diabetes and cholesterol with Keto. In case you are interesting I gave a complete list of all the diseases they are improving or eliminating on this post:

thank you sir!

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