๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’›Mouth-Watering Mushroom-Eggplant Lasagna w/ Almond Cheese ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ˜steemCreated with Sketch.

in #food โ€ข 7 years ago (edited)

Have you been wanting to eat more healthy? Maybe you want to change your diet to include more veggies? How about I give you some recipes that are delicious, and good for you too?

๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ„Mushroom-Eggplant Lasagna ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ†

Vegan, healthy, home-made, plant-based, gluten-free recipe to spice up your life!
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When I am in the kitchen,

I cook based off feeling, a connection to my heart.

This is really important for my creativity, I am not confined to measurements or strict guidelines. In fact, even if I am following a recipe for inspiration, I always let my hands and ideas stray, making it my own. I encourage you to do the same!

Let your heart guide you ๐Ÿ’›

A really important side note before we get started is that I place high value on using organic, non-pesticide, non GMO, quality sourced ingredients in all of my meals. I also strongly support my local farmers and producers and believe in wellness, safety and connected community it creates knowing where my food is coming from!

I'll show you how I made this you-won't-miss-meat-in-it version, but it's up to you to let your creativity flourish and spice your dish according to your palate, heart and utmost desires!

Step One: I'd like to introduce you all to the star players of this evening!

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There are 3 parts to this recipe: the sauce, the base and the cheese

(or in the vegan world, "cheeze")


Tomatoes, garlic, shallots, chili peppers, coconut oil, sea salt, pepper, water.


Part 1: Eggplant, mushrooms, bok choy, coriander, cumin, chili flakes.
Part 2: Tofu (or tempe)


Soaked sunflower seeds and almonds, 1/2 lemon, sea salt, coconut oil, pepper, water.

One thing to note is that you need to soak the nuts before using them for best results.

Soaking them in water overnight is suggested but not required. When you soak nuts, it breaks down their enzyme inhibitors, strips them of toxins and makes them easier for the body to digest and take nutrients from!

Let's get started, shall we?

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1. Place garlic, shallots, and sea salt in a mixer (I use my blender addition.)

2. Pour a small amount of coconut oil over your ingredients, into the mixer.

3. Pour small amount of filtered water to allow blender to mix.

4. Once blended, pour into fry pan (or wok) with coconut oil on low heat, allow to simmer

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1. Chop tomatoes and put them into the blender with some coconut oil and pepper.

2. Blend until smooth.

3. Add into mixture.

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Add spices if you would like to, I added some coriander and chili flakes on top to let simmer into the sauce.

5. Cover. Remain on low heat.

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Back to the basics!

While you're preparing your base, put some coconut oil in another pan and add in the base spices on low. Let the oil and spice simmer together to gather more flavours!

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Your Base:

1. Chop eggplant into coins and add them to the pan first.

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2. Cut bok choy bottoms, leaving you with only the leaves.

3. Cut mushrooms into thin slices.

4. Add in with eggplant and stir all together.

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Now, while your veggies are mingling with your spices and your sauce is getting hot and bothered, let's go make some cheeze!

The great thing about vegan cheeze is that it's actually really easy to make and is suitable for lactose intolerant individuals as well as being super healthy for you! Did you know that almonds support healthy brain functioning, help prevent heart attacks, promote healthy skin and prevent over eating?

Back to making that cheeze!

1. Add a small amount of water to the bottom of the mixture.

2. Add in coconut oil, a little bit of garlic and salt and pepper.

3. Add in almonds and sunflower seeds.

4. Squeeze lemon juice over top of ingredients.

5. Blend.

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Keep adding water until you get the consistency you'd like your cheeze to be. I make mine on the dry side.

Don't forget to keep an eye on your veggies and sauce! Both should be on low but you want to keep stirring them while you make everything else!

Now you can prepare the tofu. I buy mine extra firm. Tofu is a hot topic. There's experts for and against its consumption. Personally, I like to eat it in moderation and ensure it's organic and Non-GMO when I do.

1. Cut tofu into thin layers.

2. Fry layers in coconut oil.

(I forgot to take a picture of this part! You'll have to use your wonderful imaginations here)

Now your veggies are probably done, so let's lay them in a pan or dish for serving.

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Next, we're going to layer our now (magically) cooked tofu on top. (How did I do that?๐Ÿ˜‰)

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Be a boss, add some sauce!

Pour the tomato sauce all over the base then smooth the cheeze into it.
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Sprinkle with a little bit of love, and enjoy!

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DAAAAAAAYUM girl this looks good! Would love to try this one out. Do you have any suggestions on what I could sub out the tofu with? Looks amazing!

Hey @dayleeo :) Thanks so much! It was delicious! I'm vegan, so I personally wouldn't use any meat products, but I don't see why you couldn't, if that's what you mean! It kind of added the same texture typical lasagna noodles would, but I am also gluten free so I have to get creative. If that's not an issue for you, you could use some of the flat noodles for that area... I was freestyling with this and it actually didn't end up the way I thought in my mind it would at the start. It's funny how that goes, when creativity takes over ;)Let me know how it goes for you ๐Ÿ’œ

Haha thanks for the suggestion maybe I can find some spinach lasagna pasta m, I've been eating vegan for about 6 months now but I found soy was creeping its way in way too much so I limit where I can ๐Ÿ’• thanks for the tips!

I hear you! For a long time I never ate it because I read that it can be disruptive to our hormones as women but when I brought it back in I got really excited by how many doors it opened in recipes haha.

I had to tone it down again but this one time was pretty great. You could also just skip that layer too I think, the sauce is what brings it together!
๐Ÿ’œPS congrats on 6 months ๐Ÿ’œ

It's sooo sneaky! And was giving me awful hormonal acne around my chin, I tried to eat as little processed frozen or pre prepared food as I can because It was always sneaking up on me! Ido love tofu tho ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

Oh no, that's the worst! You're right it is so sly!
I went a little bit crazy when I first moved to Bali because there is really good tofu being made locally here... I went crazy, I wrote posts about it lol

It definitely contributed to my hormonal break down.

I hope you are able to make it with something else :)

Will keep you updated for sure :)

building my shopping list as we speak ;)- aim to try this bad boy out over the weekend

That looks soooo delicious! :D It's got me so hungry right now!

Not to toot my own horn @firepower but it was delicious. I mean when I started creating it I thought it would be good but it turned out a lot better than I thought! Let me know if you try to make it :)

Im just better at eating and appreciating hahaha! :D

Now you know what to tell someone to cook for you, and even better, the instructions so you can have it too ;)

haha! absolutely!

Thank you! :D

Loved the picture where you are eating it with chopsticks! That's a great fusion indeed!
Beautiful recipe!

Compliments from the chef himself? Well, now my day has been made :)
Thanks so much, you keep me smiling all day!

Glad that i made your day dear! I just love fusion! It brings a special touch to whatever you are doing! Keep smiling!

This looks delicious!

Thanks, I hope you get the chance to give it a try :)
Have a great day!

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

OMG this was soo good! Had to come back and share pics. I went a little more traditional using lasagna noodles since I'm trying to avoid soy but the veg and nut ricotta were FIRE!!!

Super loved this, even though I got raked over the coals for it not having meat or cheese in PAL gen chat. <3

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That's awesome girl! I love that you actually made it! That's so freaking cool! Someone tried my recipe! I feel like a little kid! I LOVE food... it's ridiculous how much so. I am beyond myself with happiness that I could share this with you from a far! Steemit is so cool!!! XO
Tell them all to shut it, they'd eat this up in a heart beat if they could get their hands on it!

Lol I used to feel the same way when I was running my food blog, almost like HEY I GOT TO FEED YOU! Indirectly I know, but it gave me so much joy when someone tried my recipe that I wanted to give that back, so thanks for sharing! Had the leftovers for lunch today and it was EVEN BETTER! Never would have thought to put bok choi in a lasagna but it's SOOOO good!

Also Gen chat can stuff it! ;)

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