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RE: Carnivore Adventures: Officially Two Whole Weeks Zero Carb

in #food6 years ago

... you're right. I thought meat had carbs because animals use glucose, but I guess it's depleated soon after the animal dies. Maybe you're right, we'll have the blockchain probe the carnivore diet benefits on you.

It's still hard for me to accept a carnivore diet on humans, but keep us informed. If you continue this experiment for a year it would be wise to have some lab test on cholesterol, uric acid and a basic check up to make your point and make all of us vegans look like dumb pacifists. :)


It was hard for me to accept as well until I started comparing our digestive system with that of other carnivores. We quite simply lack the equiptment to process the majority of plants effeciently and in the process we expend a lot of energy when we digest carbohydrates. Thats why you feel tired after eating. Plants have too many lectins and toxins to keep us from eating them, theyre biochemical badasses. I at the very least believe in a very low carb diet.

I plan to have several different tests done soon and regularly so but considering how good I feel already I expect to show perfectly healthy here before long.

My aim is not to make vegans look like dumb anything. If anything I just want them to recognize that the vegan diet is more of an ethical choice than a health choice. It's totally valid if people wanna deal with the health issues associated with a plant based diet to not have to kill animals. I only have issue when I'm being told things like "fuck your health" and "I hope you die because you eat meat". Thankfully this is only a small percentage of vegans I talk to.

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