
Your post made it sound like you were back already. You've been traveling for nearly a whole month. I haven't kept up, lol! I hope you are having a wonderful time! And "nice job" on being able to make all your cooking posts while you are traveling -- I know that takes a lot to prepare material in advance and just keep up while you are on the road. Happy travels!

Well, right now I am at my Aunt's house in North Idaho and it looks like I will be here for a while longer, probably at least one more month. So, it gives me the opportunity to keep posting. Thanks so much for the great comments as always

So you will get a double summer, lol. That means some good summer recipes from you - yay! Enjoy North Idaho -- such beautiful country!

Yes, that's right, two summers. The weather here has been erratic, really warm one day and really cold the next. Last week I got sunburn on Tuesday and rode a 4 wheeler in the snow on Wednesday. But it's all be beautiful which ever way it has gone. I just love it so much here

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