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RE: How Much Does That English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich Really Cost?

in #food6 years ago

I can't blame you for that, one at all, @protegeaa. Anyone who can figure out how to live in Southern California without bringing in kazillions has my respects. :)

Looking forward to that $8 STEEM, too. The idea that I'm not really working for $0.80 STEEM but something much higher is what drives me lately. Even with my minnow sized stake, I've got six figures in the making, at least, by my reckoning. :)

I've liked how the Egg McMuffins have turned out. Haven't really tried anything else, though I would like to see what I could do with a not so big Bic Mac. I'm sure that thing has shrunk about fifty percent over time. :)


The Big Macs are hard to replicate as the burger patties are so thin (although I love Big Macs).

Good point about thinking of Steem not as 80¢. I hope we're right. If not? I'll still appreciate the internet friendships I've developed here.

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