Living On A Food Stamp Budget – Week 2 – Days 3 & 4

in #food7 years ago

How I Eat On Just $29 Per Week

Wow, this week is flying by. How's it going for you?

I've got some exciting news - I'm headed to @steemfest in Portugal! I'll probably be the least known person there - woohoo! :D

Last year I was unable to go as I was doing a work contract in Qatar. Not going to miss this year, even if I was hesitant to spend so much just to get there.

If you are going, let me know in a comment. :D

On to the food challenge!


Breakfast W2D3.jpg

I woke up and made some kickass breakfast burritos! Beans, rice, cheese, egg, and chorizo - YUM! All this needed was some sour cream to really set it off. Unfortunately, I had none.

I made two thinking I would eat both for breakfast, but after one I was sated. So I ate the second for lunch.

LUNCH - $0.49

Lunch W2D3.jpg

This is just another shot of those same two breakfast burritos. Again, I ate just one of these and was full. The lunch I planned to eat today I took home and decided it would be breakfast tomorrow.

DINNER - $1.02

Dinner W2D3.jpg

This is one of my more favorite meals to have when I am not on this food challenge. Noodles in a cream of mushroom sauce with asparagus.

I noticed some of the asparagus I purchased in the first week was getting soft, time to use it up! No waste when every penny counts.

I used half a can of condensed cream of mushroom soup - bulked up with milk and a little flour, 1/4 bundle of asparagus, 4/5ths of my fake spam (I got plans for the rest), and two cups of noodles. This made two meals, and I had enough sauce leftover for another meal in the future.

So that, plus a strawberry and two cookies.


Breakfast W2D4.jpg

These two peanut butter sandwiches were what I was going to eat for lunch yesterday, but they became breakfast today.

Throw in some cold soaked oatmeal and half a banana and you got a full breakfast. Yes, that is the other half of the banana from day 1. Yes, it was still good. All I did was wrap up the peel around it and it was still a good banana.

LUNCH - $1.05

Lunch W2D4.jpg

The other portion of last night's dinner - the mushroom sauce noodles with fake spam cubes and asparagus. Plus the perfect combo to cheer me up, a strawberry and three cookies.

DINNER - $1.08

Dinner W2D4.jpg

I had some half cans of things sitting in the fridge that I needed to use up. So I made a pasta sauce. It included an onion, a slice of bacon, 1/4 tube of chorizo, and half a squash. It cost $2.04 but made three portions.

To which I added 1/4 pound of pasta, plus toast with margarine. For dessert, I had a strawberry and a cookie.


Day 3 total: $2.00

Day 4 total: $2.61

Weekly cumulative total: $10.65

So I am eating quite a bit more expensively than I was last week, but I chock that up to feeling more secure with my food supply.

I've said it before, but this challenge has really opened my eyes to what I really need from food. The lessons I am learning will stick with me a lifetime. How much will my culinary practices change? I don't know. I just know that they will.

I will eat less, and by doing so spend less on food.

There have been studies that say that food waste in America is in the 30-40% range. But that is total. Household waste is in the 20% range.

I have not wasted a single shred of food since I started this challenge. Having only $29 to spend on food means I need to use every little bit. And that I have.

I have looked over every strawberry to eat the ones that looked the closest to going bad. I eat all that I make, and as I said before I make less.

I cook what needs to be cooked before it goes bad, instead of what I want to eat.

There is more, but I plan to write a whole post on my experience after this is all done.

So stick around!

Question for you; How much food do you throw away?


That's real dedication!
When I buy food, I only take the one that I know I will eat. After watching Extreme cheapskates, I started to look at things differently; I like to buy food that is on sale, fruits and vegetables in season.
Good luck with your trip to steemfest. I'm not sure if I'm going this year; last year was fun.

@abh12345 is getting together a list of who is going. You can see which of your friends are returning and maybe get excited to want to do it. Good for networking if you can make it.

Yes, I saw that he was making a list. It's a great opportunity, but I'm afraid I won't make it this year.

FYI you can make your own bread for about 60 cents a loaf. Google no knead bread. I make it in my toaster oven. Total time invested is about 5 minutes or actual doing stuff.

I wonder what you are going to tell me about Steemfest, what you learned n shit!

You are living the homeless guy eating dreams :D

Oh, when steemfest is on the articles come in a flurry from all around (if last year is any indicator). Of course, I will show you it from my perspective.

Get on @abh12345's list of attendees for sure and please post your budget ideas for steemfest. I'm sure you have good ones. You are still eating great! Just amazing what good job you are ding.

Oh, thanks for the heads up on the attendee list! Just left a comment.

I don't care about their posts, I want to read yours! :-)

posted comment twice... Oh steemit...

Hii.... @getonthetrain very interesting post... :)



Greetings NSC



Regards KSI.


appreciate , It is nice to follow you. follow up

Wonderful work Thank you :)

@getonthetrain Well done for sticking at it! Followed.

accomplished, follow up

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