Raps und Hackfleischbällchen....Rape with Meatballs..5 Pictures

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Wir hatten von gestern noch etwas Raps da und frisches Hackfleisch war auch noch im Kühlschrank,also nicht lange überlegt zum Mittagessen gibt es Raps mit Hackfleischbällchen.

We had some rape from yesterday and fresh mincemeat was also still in the refrigerator, so not long thought for lunch there are rape with minced meatballs.

Als Beilage ein frisches Brot oder Reis

As a supplement ... fresh bread or rice

By Germanlifestyle


Hau rein...nimm ruhig 😆... der passende Schoppen ist auch gerade als Post rein....cheers

ok so mach ich das....

@germanlifestyle I've never eaten rapes ... your title is quite catchy though hahahhaha I love it!
Upped though I don't eat red meat because its an f....ing good post so there!

I know ....unfortunately the English word for raps not and on the internet I find only this designation in English.What a post ...fuc ...goid. haha ​​i like it..fun is good
Maybe you can find the right word ... thank you...

@germanlifestyle I tried but I guess this would do - colza?

but hey - it's a good title eh?

Rape and colza meaning in German raps..grazy...Ok if you find it good ... I like it too ... I leave the title 😉hihi

yes, leave it so :)

This looks delicious dear friend @germanlifestyle congratulations

Thank you...my friend @ jlufer.Next time you come for lunch😉

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