Deep Fried Snickers Bar

in #food7 years ago

A Non-Foodie, Fair Delicacy Review


Ah, fellow Steemians, I have missed you so! The @generikat and crew have returned home from the state fair, and in honor of having a keyboard, high-speed Internet, and running water at my fingertips again, I thought I would kickoff being able to once more post daily with a little fair food review.

I am somewhat of the mindset that fair food is its own food group. There are a couple of reasons for this bit of perspective. One, it is the one place that you can go and eat and spend like a 1%er even if you aren't one. At a dreaded box store you can get a 6 pack of 20 ounce bottles of pop (or soda depending on your geographical upbringing) for 2.50. However, at the fair you can spend 3 dollars on just one bottle. Let it rain!! Two, most of the food at the fair is designed for maximum nosh-portability. Placing food on a stick is especially popular. Corn dogs are pretty universal stick food, but there was also corn on a stick, sirloin steak on a stick, and my favorite on a stick manifestation, deep fried apple pie on a stick. With caramel. That caramel addendum seals the deal. Three, many fair food selections are foodstuffs that most people would never eat or think to make on their own time. I don't know about you all, but I would never stand in front of the Twinkies at my local store and think to myself, "Hmmm...I think I will dip that there Twinkie in some pancake batter and deep fry it. Yah, that sounds divine."


This year I had my home on wheels to live in, so I was able to bring my own food to fair, and since I had to live at the fairground for 6 days I'm pretty thankful for that ability. I don't think my bank account would have forgiven me if I had to eat each meal at the fair. I know that my digestive system would have started a revolution.

All the previous paragraphs and reasons stated, I am a big believer of enjoying local customs and traditions, just in moderation. That whole "when in Rome" thing, so this year I was going to get myself a deep fried candy bar of some manifestation. A little over a light stroll from my trailer was a booth that was selling all manner of deep-fried, artery clogging disgustingness. I really wanted deep fried peanut butter cups, but I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I probably wouldn't be able to ingest all of the oil dripping sweet, so I diverted and chose a deep fried Snickers bar instead.

It came on a STICK! WOO!


Fair food prices tend to bring out this emotion in me. Sigh.

It also cost 5 dollars! Yikes!

Upon first inspection, the culinary confection kind of reminded me of what my dog passed after the time it had a field day in my living with a ten pound bag of flour. Visually, the deep fried candy bar is not the most appealing. The stick protruding from its south end gave it a little fair food charm, yet the powdered sugar dusting garnish didn't inspire.

Always the good sport, I hefted the warm delight out of the cardboard boat and gave it a smell. It reminded me of the smell of pancakes that have been cooked in a pan with too much oil. Or the exhaust from your neighbor's Volkswagon station wagon that runs on bio-diesel made from a doughnut shop's deep fryer oil. Not a bad smell, but not exactly exciting.

I took a bite. I don't know about you all, but when I was a kid I had a little bit of a fondness for melted candy bars. You know what I am talking about, when a candy bar that you were looking forward too got left in your mom's car, and you would slurp that melted mass like it was a chocolate popsicle in liquid form. A deep fried Snickers delivered on the nostalgia front, I was transported back to the back seat of my mom's Laguna on a hot day, my legs stuck to the white vinyl seat, eating a melted candy bar while I waiting for her to finish talking to someone in another car. The similarities were uncanny. In fact, I was so enraptured by my moment of food time travel that I didn't notice the huge dusting of powdered sugar that bedecked my decolletage. Don't worry though, my husband thoughtfully, albeit mockingly, brought my sugar coating to my attention.


This is pretty much my all time favorite fair song, and I kind of felt a bit like Templeton when I was nibbling on that candy bar blasphemy on a stick.

All in all, it wasn't actually that bad. I only ate half of the deep fried, chocolate dripping confection as I was sharing it with the hubs. Do I think that I would get it again? Probably not, but that's just because I don't really eat a lot of sugar and would much rather eat a carload of gelato or something if I were to indulge in the glucose. If you are feeling adventurous or nostalgic then a deep fried Snickers is a good food choice, and you can bet that I am going to eat some of those deep-fried peanut butter cups next year!!


This smelled far more amazing than the petrified-with-sweat wool socks languishing on my camper floor.

I would love to hear your opinions about fair food or experiences with any delicacies of the fairground variety! Do tell!

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's deep fryer oil smudged and powdered sugar dusted iPhone.

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Wow! That sounds completely deadly! I'm in sugar shock after merely reading about it...

My "must get" fair food is roasted corn on the cob, dipped in butter and lightly coated with appropriate savory salts...

I have been known to purchase as many as two of those bad boys at the utterly ridiculous highway robbery "fair" prices... ;)



Ah yum! Roasted corn, dipped in garlic butter and rolled in salt, pepper, and parmesan. I need to find another fair, lol!

I could build a small deck for the price I would pay for a few corn cobs on a stick though, you are right about the "fair" prices, ha ha!

Hopefully your blood sugar has come back down after beholding the Snickers bar shock post, 😆

This is by far my favorite post I've read in a while! Smile on my face the whole time! You're funny!!

I've actually had deep fried snickers before! I worked in a restaurant for a long time in high school and beyond, my boyfriend at the time was the cook! We decided to make deep fried snickers! It was delectable! Though it does suns as if they needed to change their fryer oil if it smelled like that! Hah in any case, I probably wouldn't indulge again. Haha one time is probably plenty for my whole life. I think I could only eat half back then! Haha

I was thinking that for fair food $5 sounded about right, I was contemplating the price before you mentioned it. Snickers cost a lot as it is, over a dollar around here! I guess depending on the size! Haha

Thanks for your great fair posts! I really enjoyed them!

Awe! Thank you! I'm sorta a goof by nature, but my silliness tends to shine through quite brightly when I'm in exhaustion-land!

Anyone who works (or worked) in food service has my permanent admiration! I love that you both just decided to whip of a deep fried Snickers one day, and I totally agree with the once is enough sentiment.

I haven't bought a candy bar in forever, and when I do it's usually some big, exotic chocolate bar, so I didn't realize how much they had gone up in price! Wow!

Thanks again for all the kind words and reading my posts, I totally appreciate it😊

damm that looks fun huhhh :D

It was! Hope your having a fantastic day by the way!

same as you are having a great day :D hahah

No more words...
My dear friend @generikat...

I followed you ))

Thank you😊

I love your description of the deep fried Snickers bar's odor! I may have to try one of those next year. I settled for my usual huckleberry ice cream cone this time around, and was quite content.

Ha ha! Thank you! You really can't go wrong with huckleberry ice cream! The husband was spied with a rather large cup full of the purple delight more than a time or two.

I got a kick out if this one, well done and welcome back to civilization!🐓

LOL! I'm glad you did! I read the post again later and enjoyed a self-amused laugh at my overabundance of dry sarcasm. Glad it was enjoyable at any rate, and thank you so much for the kind words, it's amazing what like 10 showers and sleeping in your own bed will do for your disposition😆

amigo #resteemia at your service

'It also cost 5 dollars! Yikes!' not much expensive as I thought. nice post & photography @generikat

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

Thank you @resteemia! Glad you enjoyed😊

I'm still about a month away from my biggest local fair. It's midnight as I type this but I'd go right now if it was open because your post has got me fired up!

I generally stay away from deep fried candy bars or cookies. Too much sugar shock for me. Now deep fried pickles and greasy potato pancakes, sign me up. Eat that with a pulled pork sandwich and wash it down with some apple cider. Heaven on earth.

I stopped reading and started drooling at the potato pancake part. Yum!

I also have you to thank for my dinner menu tonight, pulled pork sounds delicious!

My husband is hard at work on a cider press, as cider is one of our favorite things ever! Have wanted to press our own for years, so I'm pretty excited it's finally happening! I just hope this month flies by so you can get your dose of fair food!

Fair folk do seem to enjoy the deep frying of food. I believe my first experience of deep fried ice cream was at a fair - I have craved it ever since.

You can often find deep fried ice cream at Mexican restaurants! :)

Ahh, heavenly words. :)

Hehehehe glad I could enable! ;)

I'm so glad @farmstead dropped by to point you in the right confection direction!😆

Haha, me too! Breaking that guys don't ask for directions rule. 😏

Love fair food, and to cook in general, especially when it is so creative. Now following you and have upvoted you as well

Thank you! Followed you back, and I am so looking forward to reading posts from a laid back beach guy 😊

I hope you love enjoying having fun ....because we will.

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