Today's Sustainable Feast in the Garden of Eden

in #food7 years ago

It is another wonderful day in the Garden of Eden, and we are giving thanks for more than enough of everything in this abundant life of freedom!  

We made a delicious feast for our volunteers today, cooking over fire using our handmade earthen rocket stoves in our sustainable outdoor kitchen - even though the weather is starting to get colder! As usual, there was more than enough food for everyone, and we are happy to share our abundance with you.

Today we made a parade of meats with some tasty sides to warm up our volunteers!

We enjoyed spicy Italian sausages, steak, grilled chicken, broccoli with cheese, and tortellini pasta in tomato sauce for our daily sustainable feast. 

As usual, our shared communal meal started with a great big, colorful, fresh salad so everyone could get plenty of tasty vitamins and minerals. We used a mix of garden greens with green onions, red and yellow tomatoes, grated carrots, yellow squash, cucumber, and onions on our salad.  

Despite the cold weather, our greens are thriving! In fact, they get a bit crisper and sweeter this time of year. We simply give them lots of fresh air and sunshine all day long, and cover them over with a tarp to form an easy & efficient greenhouse and trap in the day's heat, which keeps them warm all night. 

As a side dish, we prepared cheese tortellini and tossed it with robust, garlicky red tomato sauce. 

For another side, we steamed broccoli and topped it with cheddar cheese. Putting a lid on the serving bowl allowed the cheese to melt to just the right amount of creamy yumminess before we dug into the meal! 

To begin our parade of meats, we made juicy and succulent chicken on the grill. In colder weather like we are having in Texas, it's especially nice to prepare our meal over multiple fire sources in our outdoor kitchen so our cooks stay nice and toasty. 

Plus, cooking over fire adds a delicious flavor to foods that can't be recreated over gas or electric stoves. Not to mention we burn wood that was otherwise destined to pollute the Earth in a landfill somewhere. Sustainability is especially tasty! 

While we had the grill blazing, we cooked up some juicy cuts of beef too! If we aren't saving the bones to prepare nutritious bone broth, we give them to the stray dogs that hang out around our property. Nothing goes to waste around the @gardenofeden

We also prepared spicy Italian sausages to wrap up today's meal. While we have vegans, vegetarians, and carnivores alike living together in our community, we offer plenty of options at dinner time for everyone to have as much or as little of particular dishes as they want. We honor everyone's choices! 

Food is important, and we hope to inspire people to really take time to eat, enjoy it, and share it with someone you love. We also hope to inspire more and more sustainable practices in regards to food! 

Food is an honored & elemental part of our daily life in community. You can learn more about our unique, intimate, and super sustainable relationship with food here!

All photos are original and unique to today's epic sustainable feast and highlight just a taste of the thousands upon thousands of free meals we share every single year. 

We are happy & grateful to share our abundance - there's more than enough of everything! If you or anyone you know wants or needs food, contact us - we will give you free food, no questions asked. We make this offer every single day, because we are here to help one and all.

Because we stand in support of the greatest good & especially the revolutionary potential of this platform, we've never cashed out any $teem or even powered down - which is good for everyone! This means that when you upvote our posts, you are increasing the value of your own $teem wealth as well! 

For more inspiration, support, and service, please sign up for our newsletter! Once a week, we will deliver sustainable health & wellness insight and so much more straight to your inbox!


Thank you, for your great mission to spread the words about a proper food.

Thank you, @allfabeta. Food is so important and very few people in the US give it the consideration it deserves. We hope to inspire another way!


Meat-tastic epic feasting!!!

Good food I love to eat

So do we!! And sharing food is even more fun!

That food looks amazing! I love what you guys are doing! It is great to help each other! @gardenofeden

Thank you for your support, @jbcoin! We can do so much more when we do it together!

I've edited this to just shine on the positive part of my previous comment.

You should show more of that colourful plant based foods :)

Oh yes we write lots of articles highlighting lots of colorful plant based food and encourage everyone to enjoy edible & medicinal plants in many ways!! Nature is amazing, and we are happy & grateful to take advantage of its bounty.

We also encourage people to make best use of any resources they have in abundance, and to make the most sustainable choices with the options available to them :)

For today's feast, we received a large donation of meat and treated our carnivores to a meal with more meat than we sometimes eat in a week. But of course our vegetarians and vegans were honored too! We don't tell anyone what they should or should not do, but instead offer options to satisfy a variety of preferences.

Thanks for the reply. My original comment said a bit about how it's sad how a Garden of Eden can promote meat, however I do fully understand we are all adults and can make our own choices. I was a meat eater and dairy consumer for many years before I saw the light. I understand we are all different, it is just very disappointing that we accept the slaughter of animals when we really have little reason to do so. Vegans and vegetarians always seem to be a side thought instead of the main focus.

Just yesterday here in Australia many people finished a 5 day fast camp-out to oppose one of our biggest pig slaughter houses killing around 2,500 pigs per day. As someone who is just realising the harm I've inadvertently caused to other creatures of Earth, this saddened me and really I hope one day killing anything for food will be seen equal to smoking cigarettes. Sorry for my judgments and I mean no ill-will towards anyone for their choices, I just deeply want this world to one day be the Garden of Eden it could be.

Glad you're willing to engage a conversation @spaceginger, because challenging beliefs is one of the most important things we do. Neither your beliefs nor your judgment offend us - it is all too common that people feel it is acceptable to judge us because our lifestyle is different than what they are familiar with, and we're used to it.

EVERY aspect of our lives are consciously considered for the best interest of all, from what we eat to how we shit - do you have any idea how many acres of Earth are deforested & how many creatures die just so humans can wipe their asses with toilet paper?? That's a topic for another time, but suffice it to say that we do not take any element of our lifestyle lightly, and instead use it to build a better world & hopefully inspire and uplift others.

The fact is that judgment is one of the very dysfunctions that keeps humanity from embracing the Garden of Eden. You are preventing yourself from embodying the potential you say you so deeply want to see on this Earth when you cast judgment upon us and are locking yourself into a low vibration. We forgive you for it and embrace you anyway @spaceginger, because it's obvious that you don't realize the depths of what you're doing. Plus, we know that we're already living the potential you say you want - which you are more than welcome to participate in with us rather than get caught up in limited dualistic thinking of who's right and who's wrong.

Our lifestyle is far more sustainable and honorable than anything we've ever seen anywhere on Earth. While we find it so far superior to other lifestyles we have seen and lived that we are fully committed and devoted to it, we don't shame or judge anyone for their choices. We promote alternatives and options, but we accept that people are where they are and support and love them anyway.

You are jumping to conclusions about where our meat comes from and making false projections about us. We do not shop at stores (because that supports the global military industrial complex and the rape and pillage of the Earth); some of us haven't shopped at stores in almost 2 decades. We do not ignore or gloss over the realities of modern meat industries and do not use our energy or resources to support it.

Our meat is donated from people/places that were going to throw it away, pollute the Earth, and completely forsake the life of the animal, OR we slaughter it ourselves from animals we raise ourselves in considerate and respectful environments. We offer a diversion from the landfill cycle to feed people in need, and we truly honor the creature that gave its life so that we may live.

...I hope one day killing anything for food will be seen equal to smoking cigarettes.

Two points on that matter:

A) Consuming plants also kills sentient beings. There are many studies that show plants demonstrate a level of consciousness, such as how trees communicate as a network in a forest. Not to mention the human body is a highly developed killing machine; your immune system is right now destroying all sorts of viruses, bacteria, and fungi to maintain your own health and wellbeing. Humans embrace a hierarchy of life, consciously or not, and consider certain life forces to be more or less than others and therefore more or less acceptable to kill, consume, and/or consider. We hope to highlight a different way in which ALL life is respected and honored, and choices are made consciously and responsibly.

B) We do not agree that smoking cigarettes is inherently wrong or unhealthy either. In fact, pure tobacco is a master plant considered to be a spiritual teacher to many cultures throughout the world for thousands of years. Tribes in the Amazon use it intentionally to achieve different states of awareness. We offer organic homegrown tobacco by donation as a sustainable and honorable alternative to manufactured "cigarettes" - quotes used here because it is blasphemy to include those products (which are little more than newspaper soaked in lighter fluid) in the same category as pure tobacco. Could go much deeper into the diabolical hijacking of this sacred plant by Big Tobacco industry, but will save that for another day!

Thankyou for your very thorough reply and as someone who is just opening my awareness to this lifestyle after living much of my life dictated by a society that doesn't care it's really refreshing to start seeing the world with clearer eyes. My comment came with emotion from watching the way corporations deliver our meat products and it hit me much harder than I thought it would. I apologise if this emotion spilled out into my comment. This is something I am working hard on and must spend more time observing my own actions rather than judging those of others. I have no friends or family who understand or can help so I really feel sometimes like I'm being reborn into a new world, alone and clueless but also amazed and excited by the reality unfolding before my eyes.

I am completely new to all of this and didn't mean to judge your community and I see now how I have done just what I didn't mean to do! I do realise I'm not in a higher state and often judge myself harsher than anybody. I have many life-long issues I'm working on (38 years worth!). We are all growing beings and you've just alerted me to facts I didn't know and a reminder to observe my own self more, I thank you for that. I love what you are doing and hope to help in some way to grow the community as well as work on my own self :)

Really great to see you accept responsibility for your experience and your willingness to engage alternatives! As @quinneaker is fond of saying, the revolution begins within~*~

You're not alone. There are a lot of people waking up right now and recognizing that they can actually do something about the unsatisfying society humanity has been subject to for a long time. We're here to help as best we can!!

We can definitely relate to not having friends or family who understand, and that's why it's so so so so important to spread the word about alternatives and options! If your immediate support unit does not actually support you, then its extremely valuable to know that there are entire communities like us out here who really will!

Honestly your judgment does nothing to us except provide an opportunity for conscious conversation and looking deeply at what is going on. As stated above, the only one you're really affecting is yourself - your own nervous system and immune system are depressed by judgment and other low vibes. We point it out as a service - if you don't even know you're shooting yourself in the foot, then how can you make more responsible choices? Now that you are aware, may it empower you to live a better life than ever before!

Sending you much love and support~*~

Wow you shared so tasty and yummy dishes that my mouth filled with water. Thanks for sharing keep it up @gardenofeden

Thanks for having a look & taking the time to comment, @hamzayousaf!

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