Whiskey on the rocks: Laboratory testing of whiskey stones

in #food5 years ago

A couple days ago I wrote a post about whisky - About whisky stones more specifically, and whilst I didn't think it would get many comments a few came through from steem-peeps curious to see how they turned out. You can see that post here.

I had originally thought to freeze them and simply throw them into a glass of Pepsi Max as I'm not really much of an alcohol drinker - Enjoying a drink only occasionally. However, I decided to do it properly considering the interest and this post summarises my findings.

The test parameters
I used Johnny Walker Double Black for the test liquid, two identical double-walled glasses (not pictured) and the same volume of whiskey in each. Of course the test took place in a completely controlled environment - My kitchen. I rated my opinion of the stones below using the following scale. You may not know this, but it is the universally-accepted whiskey-stone rating system, recognised in every country around the world.

  • Legit
  • Semi-legit
  • Not legit

To make the tests legit [there's the use of the above scale again] I've recorded temperatures at set intervals for each glass as defined below.

Glass 1: No whiskey stones
Glass 2: Whiskey stones (four of them)

I recorded the temperature at ambient and at 2 minute intervals from 2 minutes to 16 minutes from the moment the four stones, directly from an overnight stay in the freezer, were dropped into glass 2.

I believe this is a good test of the stones' effectiveness keeping in mind that in a real-world scenario the level of fluid in the glass will be reducing [getting drunk by the consumer] as time passes leaving less temperature for the stones to suck up. I did not drink the fluid over the test period - But smashed out both glasses immediately after despite it being prior to 12pm on Saturday morning. Being wasteful isn't in my nature.

All temperatures are in degrees celcius:

  • Ambient temperature glass 1: 20.4
  • Ambient temperature glass 2: 20.4

  • 2 minute temperature glass 1: 20.4
  • 2 minute temperature glass 2: 16.2

  • 4 minute temperature glass 1: 20.5
  • 4 minute temperature glass 2: 15.1

  • 6 minute temperature glass 1: 20.5
  • 6 minute temperature glass 2: 15.2

  • 8 minute temperature glass 1: 20.4
  • 8 minute temperature glass 2: 15.2

  • 10 minute temperature glass 1: 20.4
  • 10 minute temperature glass 2: 15.4

  • 12 minute temperature glass 1: 20.4
  • 12 minute temperature glass 2: 15.7

  • 14 minute temperature glass 1: 20.4
  • 14 minute temperature glass 2: 16.1

  • 16 minute temperature glass 1: 20.5
  • 16 minute temperature glass 2: 16.5

My findings
I think the numbers speak for themselves and certainly the stones have performed better at cooling the whiskey down than no stones at all. Based on the test results as above I have come to the conclusion that the whiskey stones rate as a solid: Legit.

There is some very slight variation in temperature on the control glass 1 however this could merely be put down to inaccuracy in my thermometer, a standard household version.

Considering the optimum temperature for whisky to be drunk at is 15-18 degrees I believe the whiskey stones have performed well. Of course, if you were in a room below 15 degrees ambient they would not be required.

I do not believe they will be very effective in keeping beverages chilled but as far as whiskey goes, their intended purpose, I believe them to have performed well and over the average time a person might take to enjoy a glass of [straight] whiskey I believe they would do the trick. I believe their use is preferable to inserting ice into the whiskey which would cool it down far too much inhibiting taste, aroma and flavour.

I'm not a scientist although I'm a fair judge of things I would say. Sure, I have just downed two glasses of Double Black JW in a row, in the period of 5 minutes, but I'm still able to determine the legitness of my tests.

I would say that the whiskey stones are a decent purchase if one can obtain them at the right price and one has a use for them. For those who drink a lot in a short period of time maybe less-so as that individual will need to have a supply of pre-freezer-cooled whiskey stones at hand I suppose.

For me I believe I'll use them often. The fact the stones impart no additional fluid to the drink, and do not soak up any flavour or aroma means they can be used again and again. The don't feel odd in the glass whilst enjoying the beverage and certainly don't give that hit of cold on the lips that ice does. They wash up in water and after a minimum 6-hour stint in the freezer are ready for re-use.

For those looking to make a purchase of some of these little stones for their own use or a gift I would say it's a good purchase, a nice talking point to have over a glass of whiskey, and a pretty cost-effective gift that is multi-use and keeps giving long after the initial gift is given.

So, to those who mentioned an interested in my findings: @ryivhnn, @eveuncovered and @goat-girlz, I hope this post rates as legit on the whiskey stone scale for you. You'll make your own mind up on it of course, purchase or not, however either way I hope this intensive test-session has shed some light on the matter for you. OK, so my head may be feeling a little lighter right now...All good though, not driving so it's all tickety-boo!

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Now...Just to make sure I better do one more test glass...Maybe two. It's after 5pm somewhere right?


Nice. Hadn't heard of those. As the weather gets warmer you can just add more stones. They look a little small. I imagine mine would be swallowed frequently.

Haha...Yeah I'd imagine your rocks are huge... 😆

You can actually get an ice cube maker that makes large spherical ice cubes for whiskey. Look pretty cool but then the watering-down issue happens.

But yeah, your rocks mate...Huge! Anti-swallow rocks. 😉

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i hadn't thought about that... haha. oh, that would be disastrous... very choke-able!

They should come with a warning: hiking hazard: Not for whiskey drinking for people under the age of 6. 🤣

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Your statistical analysis clearly shows a heterogeneous of variances however did you account for noise and what where the parameters for outlying data points?


Nice one! That right there is one of my favorite drinks. But I am only an amateur scotch drinker.

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😛 I tried to cover all bases with my research. I'm not the greatest research-scientist - Put a gun in my hands and it's all good...A beaker...Not so good. But I managed on this occasion to gather what I hope is credible data...Ah who am I trying to kid...I don't really care if it's credible or not - I had fun.

I'm not much of an alcohol snob to be honest be it wine, beer, whiskey...Come to think of it I'm not a snob at all but...A bit of mead, or some mulled wine, an open fire with some meat sizzling away...Yep, I could do that! I'm a simple dude.

Thanks for commenting.

You are such a nerd! A very entertaining nerd, don't get me wrong, but a nerd nonetheless. I'm very glad you performed your test with whiskey instead of Pepsi. I think the whiskey gods might have smitten you down in the streets if you had done that.

Also, I can't believe you said tickety-boo! I've only ever heard that on period pieces on TV! Ha ha! Thank you for the report!

You are such a nerd!

I wear that badge with honour (honor)

Also, I can't believe you said tickety-boo! I've only ever heard that on period pieces on TV!

I don't get around saying it usually, but adding an element of quirkyness to my posts entertains me and as I'm one of the small handful of people who actually read my posts I have to keep myself entertained right?

Hope you're well.

I am well, thank you! I actually read your posts, so thank you for keeping me entertained as well. I am also a huge nerd, and I also wear that as a badge of honor. (Honour)

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Haha! You caught that huh? I had to spell honour in a way you'd understand the word (honor). Bloody language barrier. 🤣

I'm glad you read them, it's for the rare few like you I keep posting. 🖤

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It's not really a language barrier, you know. It's just a little creative spelling on the part of the Yanks and some wildly imaginative slang on the part of the Aussies! I'm pretty good at mental translation.

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I know...But when we have an Australimerican steem-meet up we can swap languages. I'll talk like a seppo and you can talk like an Aussie. Should make for a fun night. I'll bring the whiskey stones, you bring the whiskey. 😊

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It's a date!

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Whiskey stones are a marketing ploy with little thought about why one adds ice to Scotch. The ice melts slowly, thus slowly adding water to your Scotch. By adding water to your Scotch, you are now "opening up" a variety of flavors that you would not experience without the water. Whiskey stones may "sweat" slightly, but you will not get the same flavors that you do from natural water. With that said, a large cube of ice will slowly melt and provide you with a balance of flavors and a refreshing temperature to drink your Scotch. Small cubes of ice will merely "water down" your Scotch too fast whee you don't get to enjoy the evolution of flavors as the large cube is slowly melting.

It's an artform 🙂

Yes, I mentioned that I add water to my scotch in the post...You must have missed that bit.

Let's just add this marketing ploy to all the others people subscribe to like Facebook, new mobile phones every year, cosmetic surgery and 85% of the stuff people buy.

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Water is overrated especially when in its gaseous form..

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I apologize, I did miss that portion. I recall you mentioning that in a past post, but I guess I skipped it here. My bad 😔

I would love a new phone annually... But I have my phone now- and if I could screen shot the dead pixels that I need to scroll around, I would... But that doesn't work haha. I'll have this thing for at least another year or two (I've had it for ~ 2 years). If my last phone didn't have a tragic accident at my friend's bachelor party, I'd probably still be using that one!

No stress man, I figured.

Sounds like your last phone went on a bit of a mission and never returned. Funny story? You should blog it. Could be a good laugh for steem peeps.

Science rocks! See what I did there 😜

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Very clever indeed. 😃

Glad they are legit items👍

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Your comment is legit.

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I was looking forward to these results.

I'm not a scientist although I'm a fair judge of things I would say.

Well your method certainly seemed very science-ey.

If the rocks are porous they probably can't be used in any sort of commercial setting. They don't look like they are though.

This brings new meaning to getting a drink "on the rocks" and perhaps that is where the saying came from. ooooh!

I'm a regular Einstein huh? 😊

Figured I might as well do it properly or someone was going to myth-bust my findings. 😜

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A very legit post! I love how seriously you took the test and made it really informative.

Just showing my analytical side I guess. I'm always goofing off so wanted to show I was smart and could work a thermometer. 😆

Was fun setting up. I feel like a scientist now...Didn't wear a white coat though. 😉

Glad you liked it.

Legit use of the word legit too Eve. 🙂

didn't wear a white coat? Alright....i'm throwing these results out because they are clearly unprofessional.

🤣 Had on some cammo cargo shorts...no shirt. Kinda professional right?

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