Fish finger Jenga

in #food6 years ago

I'm a simple sort of bloke; Not in respect of my intelligence, just in a general. I'm reasonably easily pleased, not overly fussy and certainly not pretentious. I like nice things of course, don't we all, however I'm typically easygoing and uncomplicated and don't pursue material things, possessions, all that much. I don't need to feel I am driving the right car, wearing the right logo on my shirt or, in fact, feel any need to spend money or make efforts to keep up appearances for those around me.

My wife and I don't go out much these days, not as much as we used to. I'm not sure why that is although I expect it's because we are not very "peoply" which essentially means we are happy with our own company mostly. Sure, we go out and socialise, but we are pretty selective when, where and with whom. This means we eat in a lot which suits us just fine.

A couple of days ago I was put in charge of dinner preparation by my wife and was told that "anything was fine." Right, it's on!

So, I decided to create a retro-dinner with a food I haven't had for about 30 years! Fish fingers. Yes, I know fish fingers are probably more intended for children but I felt a craving that needed to be sated. You can see my creation here to the right. I dubbed it fish finger Jenga with steamed vegetables and cheese sauce.

On the plate you can see the Jenga-stack of fish fingers, corn, asparagus, carrots, zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower...(All probably genetically modified of course.) I've covered the veggies with cheese sauce and threw a little butter on the corn. A pretty simple meal which tasted ok and was reasonably healthy.

I know what you're thinking...There's nothing special about it and you'd be right. It's not supposed to be special. It's simply meant to nourish my body and be easy to make.

We sat together, chatted about our day, and week, just gone and about what we might do on the weekend whilst eating this very simple meal. We enjoyed the meal and the time together without the need for anything fancy or complicated. In fact I think it was more enjoyable for being so easy to prepare.

Life can be complicated for all of us and I know I have been guilty of adding to that complexity in the past. I don't think it needs to be though. I believe there's a certain value in simplicity and that it can allow a person a little more time to engage with life, and themselves, more effectively. Sure, some people want to invest their time and efforts in the vain pursuit of keeping up appearances but not me...I'm happy to engage in my own life, design and create it as best I can and to extract the most from it in every aspect.

Oh, by the way, my fish finger craving is over...I think I want toasted cheese sandwiches for dinner tomorrow night. Simplicity in its purest form!


Look at that phat stack!! I used to do that with my toast jerky :)

You and your toast jerky. Cracks me up.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'd rather a fulfilled, simple dinner over a fancy dinner any day! Thanks so much for sharing your perspective. A great lesson to be learnt from fish fingers - sometimes less complexity is more.

I believe it's the company that makes a meal enjoyable. Sure, food needs to be wholesome and tasty, but simple food with great company trumps fancy food with poor company any day!

In the right company an army issue MRE can be enjoyable...Well, maybe thats going a bit far... 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Simplicity is the way forward!
....and fish fingers are fantastic too! lol

I will now have to go and get some - I haven't had them in a year or two at least!

You're corrupting me! lolol

I've always been a bad influence on people.

I have been making my life less complicated over the last couple of years.

Fish fingers are great. I'll take bangers and mash, maybe a dash of hot sauce.
Although if we're getting elaborate, Amanda makes these chilli con carne mini quiches.
I call them malev au vents. Magnificent.

We are but simple men Matt. Easily sated... 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

Pretty smile behind a generous helping; all I need in this world.

That looks like a kids meal, and kinda gross, but I lowkey want that as dinner, though I would need mashed potatoes with the fish sticks.

Throw some taters on there!!! Looks fricken delicious

Ah yes, potato's...I try to stay off carbs where possible...I fail at it most often, but not this time 😂

It is within the embrace of simplicity where I find the most peace. I try so hard to keep my life simple, but man other people just really hate to see someone do so!

Beautiful culinary masterpiece by the way! Now I really, really need some fish sticks after a good smoko!

Thanks mate, some don't agree but I knew you would.

Looks very yummy 😋

You see everything so delicious that I craved that food, hahaha. I've never eaten fish fingers ... If I've eaten cheese fingers. and chicken croquettes ... it must be like chicken fingers, right?

Well, I'm not sure about chicken fingers but fish fingers are pretty much fish, shaped like a long sort of bar, and about the size of a big finger and crumbed. They taste like fish. I think some countries call them fish sticks.

They are typically a kids meal and at 48 years old I'm not a kid...Although I act like one sometimes. I just had a craving for them...

110518_10 Omega3 Fish Fingers_470x300.png

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