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RE: #8: Miss Eggface Makes - a Stuffed Cheese Omelette

in #food7 years ago

I indeed wish I coulda seen your face and heard your 'YAY's ;)

Yes, I was spent a semester at Emory University in Atlanta and also visited quite a number of cities and states (I got awarded the name "The One Most Likely To Travel To Fifty States in One Semester" by my exchange mates at our farewell party hehe)..

I really liked how I could find all sorts of terrains and lifestyles in the US without ever leaving the nation..From desert to mountain, small little towns to big cities, forests to concrete was an amazing time of so many new experiences..The food was also yummy and came in HUGE portions!!! Towards the end, I started to feel like the food was too unhealthy and the desserts too sweet for me...but the first few months, I was happily bingeing hurhur

I was a little disappointed with the quality of the students I came across though..they were rather more interested in 'who slept with who last Saturday' or dieting or eating donuts than to pull their own weight when the time to deliver came..They would not be good representatives of the future America. :( Then again, my sample size was very limited, so I hope that there are loads of better young people in the country ready to take the nation upwards..

Hehe you sound like you really know your way around yummy omelettes! More cheese and butter, I make when cooking for myself!! but The Mann frowns upon too much cheese and butter overpowering the I post more 'regular' versions of my recipe that have a higher likelihood of appealing to a bigger crowd teehee..

The avocado is a yummy addition could make a guacamole and spread it on top of the omelette perhaps if there is not enough space teehee

I'm so glad you liked my veggie heart..another double heart for you <3<3


Happy to hear that you enjoyed your time here. Yes, I like the fact that you can drive 3-4 hours and either be at the beach or the mountains.

Now you know they say that Americans are fat! The portions are huge.

The students; don't get me started. We have lost a whole generation of what could have been bright talented individuals. Now they have been taught how to be Social Justice Warriors. We don't produce anything like we used to. We are just a service industry now. So sad.

Nope, still skipping on avocado and I don't like guacamole either but thanks for the thought.

Aw...thanks so much for the double heart. Right back at ya! <3 <3 :)

Lol that's so true..I forgot to mention the beaches :)) Yes, it was a happy six months there :))

that's true sometimes I feel that our generation is most concerned with being politically correct. While that is not a bad thing and could be a vehicle for teaching basic respect, it's also important to make a stand. Just my two cents..

Thanks for sending the double love teehee :))

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