
Oh wow it's so cute!! I love it. Might have to see if I can find one, that's a great way to make the perfect, same-sized pancakes everytime!

Yes sure, it's this one here:

Which country are you in? I just realised this is not available in America...also I think I just read in the comment above you're allergic to baking powder? Maybe you can't use this then :( - I would still try and make sure you don't overmix the pancakes and also let it rest - this will actually make the pancakes fluffy, not as fluffy as with baking powder but still fluffier than usual!!

Give it a go and let me know :)

Isually it's for cooking eggs but I use this for my pancakes 😃.
I live in Spain (Barcelona) and you?. I will look on the Internet if I can find this... Thank you very much your nice message!

I live in Australia (Sydney). Are you allergic to baking powder because I think the self-raising flour I mentioned is normal flour plus baking powder :(
You're welcome! I'm a fellow foodie so I love talking about and sharing ideas on food. I've started following you now hehe looking forward to more posts!

I dream of going to Australia !!! I am a fellow foodie too and I love pastry !!! 😍😍😍
Yes unfortunatelly I'm intolerente to baking power...😢

You should! It's far from Barcelona for sure, but so many cool things to see and do here - also we're not far from South East Asia...New Zealand, a lot of beautiful places and GREAT food!

Oh no, ok ignore what I said about using self-raising flour. I think just try and follow my tips on not over-beating the mixture and then letting it rest 15-20 minutes - this should make fluffier pancakes :)

I love connecting with fellow Steemit foodies! I haven't posted a pizza recipe yet but I've done a few interesting ones if you want to check it out some time - keep up the great work!

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