The Delicious Food Gold Thread Jujube - 舌尖上的千岛湖 - 左口传统手艺金丝密枣

in #food8 years ago

Gold Thread Jujube is very popular in Zhejiang Qiandao Lake, Jujube Become a local tourist food,Follow the ancient processing method,Make a delicious Gold Thread Jujube,Local residents have a large number of planting,if you go to Qiandao Lake travelling,Can be seen Jujube everywhere,How they are produced,Let me take you to see.

You might think will choose mature Jujube,As a manufacturer of raw materials,In fact, choose not yet ripe Jujube, but its high sugar content

Hand pick out substandard

Wait processing Jujube

Main Ingredients: maltose

金丝密枣在中国浙江千岛湖是非常受欢迎,成为当地的旅游食品,当地有个手工作坊,沿用着古老的加工方法,制作金丝密枣,金丝密枣在淳安左口乡有大量种植,去这里旅行,你都会见到金丝密枣的商品, 在中国的新疆许多工厂都是现代化加工枣,


Resembles figs a lot) Thank you fro interesting information, Elfkitchen!

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