It's time to go vegan. Search your feelings, you KNOW it to be true!

in #food5 years ago

Animal abuse is wrong, but it isn't limited to kicking dogs, throwing cats down stairs, or punching goats in the face.

It also includes enslaving their entire species to be kept in cages and pens until we send them to the slaughterhouse.

beat and eat.png

Nutritionally we don't need ANYTHING from animals. Raising them to be killed for food is immoral. It will be looked back on as one of the greatest tragedies of our times, and we'll ask "how did it go on as long as it did?"

A "power up" hidden in plain sight!

One of the best things we can do for our health, our planet, and our fellow creatures is to go vegan. It's something anyone can do! You can do it without increasing your grocery bill, and you will eat better than you have in years!

Going vegan is written off as "trendy", "liberal", even "an elite plan". But it's actually what's good for EVERYONE, and it's not going away. The gig is up for the factory farmers of billions of conscious beings living as slaves.




Yeah we really need to cut down on our meat consumption. However, this really is a numbers game. Getting 100 people to cut consumption by half is better than getting 10 to go vegan. It's a slow process.

Harm reduction! Sounds good to me.
Another good way to reduce the harm we're doing (to the other animals and to ourselves and the ecosystem) is to move away from factory farmed dairy and meat as much as possible. It's not ultimately where we need to be, but it's something attainable within a few years, and it would have a massive impact. Another way to reduce harm is to cut back on red meat (ie: mammals) in favour of fish and poultry. Sorry, birds, but you're not as conscious and sentient as mammals! Fish was the last flesh for me to cut out. I rarely (once a year or so) still eat the odd shrimp, which I consider to be 'the mosquito of the sea' (a brainless piece of protein), but I know it's not nutritionally necessary, and probably not a sustainable practice. I only mention it to show my belief in harm reduction, as opposed to hard-line thinking based in emotions. It's about ideally doing no (less) harm, for me - not an idealistic virtuous hypothetical state. Kind of an extension of my libertarian/anarchistic belief system.

There's no excuse for animal abuse.
Meat is murder.
Dairy is scary.
But bacon; but class 1 cacinogen

Don't call us soy boys while you're sucking on a tit secreting mammalian estrogen (also carcinogenic). Soy has phytoestrogens which act as estrogen receptor modulators and treat many illnesses like cancer and heart disease.

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