Corona Is First Major Beer Brand To Launch Edible Six Pack Rings

in #food5 years ago

The plastic six pack rings that we are familiar with now have been available for years and there's a growing demand for a more environmentally-friendly solution today.

To meet that demand, edible six pack rings have been created. And Corona has become the first major beer brand to launch with them.

They first have plans to launch with the new packaging in Mexico and the United Kingdom, potentially followed by other regions in the near future.

They've also reportedly been testing out a new type of beer can, "Fit Packs" that will enable them to do away with the old plastic ring packs as well, because the cans can be stacked thanks to threading at the top and bottom.

The top of each can screws into the bottom, allowing for an interlocking tower to be created. So far those cans are only being tested in Mexico.

“The beach is an important part of Corona’s DNA and we have been working.. to address the issue on the frontlines where plastic is physically accumulating," - E. Ellman, Corona Better World Director. “

The hope is that these new edible six pack rings can someday become the new standard for six pack drink packaging. The E6PR also referred to as the Eco Six Pack Ring, is believed to be the very first 100% biodegradable and compostable six pack ring.

The six pack rings are made from a mixture of barley and wheat.

Aside from Corona, there are a growing number of breweries that are adopting this creative and innovative solution, all over the world.

It is easy to expect that this will eventually become the norm for drink packaging in markets worldwide. Thanks to these new ideas, with the Fit Packs and E6PR, entrepreneurs are changing the beverage packaging industry by bringing reliable, plastic-free solutions, that can be applied in high volumes for major brands like Corona and others.



Edible for whom? Why would we want to eat them?
"Mmm this garbage is delicious!"

But in all seriousness, the biodegradable aspect is really great. More companies should be doing this. The threaded stackable cans is a cool idea as well.

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they don't recommend that humans eat it lol

That is very cool to see more and more companies trying to help the environment.

in creative and peaceful (voluntary) ways i think it's great :)

You know we have had this issue with wildlife being caught, strangled and killed with these plastic holders for decades. Finally someone is actually thinking and I dare say it may become a meme for companies to follow suit and become more ecological and common-sensible. Hopefully this does start a cascade of better product thinking, planning and development... and this one you can even toast with!

Now if they can just make it so people wont tear off the top opening tab thingie. It is the bane of metal detecting ugggh!

See THAT would be a reason for me to stack up extra on those ones..Super kudos on that big companies actually are trying to make an effort on workin on the environmental issue. I was also surprised to see this summer loads of biodegradable straws all of a sudden versus the plastic ones so somwhere we are waking up. Also the ban on styrofoam is spreading so beercans to be next (even though the aluminum is recycleble) thing is really awesome!

i'm not a fan of using violence to try and solve problems so i'd rather the government not get involved with bans etc, but i am happy to see when people and their companies voluntarily come up with initiatives that can try to solve various issues ex: if they think there is too much garbage etc :) good ideas shouldn't require violence✌

Exactly...Bans cause a super lot of trouble and resistance (in the beginning) while if companies get these green solutions going we can only applaud and support these things right!

and yeah...there is too much garbage... i have lived on an island where the the garbage was burned, even the stuff that comes from cruiseships...thats cancer in the making right there, and then you really see how much we produce...thats crazy

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