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RE: 🐌Have you tried eating escargots?🐌

in #food7 years ago

I never thought of eating them I figured it was a weird French thing and sounded gross. I am fairly adventurous when it comes to food but never thought of snails as appealing. When my family went on a cruise a couple years back though they had them pretty much as you are describing as an appetizer at dinner. Since they were included we figured it was worth trying. I was surprised I ended up having 4 servings I believe and my wife got 3, my mom enjoyed them and got seconds. My son wouldn't touch them and my Dad ate one and was not impressed. I was surprised they were actually pretty good, I haven't gone seeking them out but if they show up where I am eating I wont turn it down. Definitely something worth trying at least once, especially since they are not what you think they will be.


Thank you! My thoughts exactly! Good to hear from you and your experience! Any thing new (and edible) is always worth a try isnt it:)

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