# Dear @TeamHumble //5th September 2018 // Winding up to the wind down…steemCreated with Sketch.

in #food6 years ago

@dayleeo Steemit-Covers (10).png

Hi darlin, and hey there mini darlin. I hope you both slept well. Know I’ve been thinking about you. You’re always in my heart my Mousers :D! Yay!

Hope you’re feeling ready to crush today hunny, I know you’ve got stuff you want to get caught up on. I’m going to get an early night tonight and be right there hustling with you… but boy did I need a self care day today!

3 Things I’m Grateful for Today are…

  • my chill day gift to myself
  • farming time with minibiza
  • you. just.. you <3

It’s funny I didn’t feel down, or depressed at all, not worried or “off” in any way. It’s almost like my body decided for me. “Yeah, it’s our day off.” It was a little shock to the system compared to how good I was feeling yesterday and how much I felt like I got done, but hey, those days afford days like today. Days to take at your own pace, days for baths, and gaming and facesks. Other than having your company and a few doggos around, it was kinda my perfect day. Its like a rainy day without the rain. ;)

But tomorrow is Saturday and really want to punch out some serious time behind the screen. I geared up for a walk this evening, changed, got my shoes on. Wallet, keys, shopping bag, and I swear, in some Truman Show-esque perfectly timed twist of fate. I opened the door to leave, and it started to rain. Welp! ok then!

I ended up taking the car down to CVS because I needed nail polish remover and another Galon of water (I think I drank more than 3/4 of a gallon today, I was endlessly thirsty) just to get some fresh air. The hips have been creaky from not moving enough. Walk goals on rain delay, but thats why the say tomorrow is a gift isn’t it? Because we get a chance to try again at the stuff we didn’t get to do today.

Tonight I go to sleep thankful to have met you, happy I’m safe and warm with a roof over my head and a full stomach, and hopefull for what tomorrow might drop in our laps. We have today, we have our health and we have each-other… let’s get to it huh? ;)

Ill see you on the other side sweets
<3 Dot

dear-teamhumble long-distance blockchain-diary love life


oh baby baby. yes mam. nailed it. looking forward to catching up this morning, some good news, work is starting to re-activate and i'm just feeling super positive about things -- i'll have some videos for you to embed in our landing page, we might need to move or rename or come up with copy for different sections and we might need to trim it down but i think we have enough to make up a 'page' of video/vo edits we can offer -- strike while the iron is hot they say! ;)

big hugzzz ;)

all the things! let's do it shes ready- feeling really good this am, glad i took a slower pace yesterday, feeling recharged :) @teamhumble

Rainy days without rain are good for the soul! We've got one here today where we have the first real hint of autumn. I've been walking the dog in shorts and t-shirt for the stunning past few months, a hoody was deployed about 3 weeks back and today it was jeans, t-shirt, hoody and a thick jacket. The wind off the sea had a real nip in it; cold fingertips. I love the winter months as they make me feel alive. I love hot summers too but they seem to drain all enthusiasm for me which isn't great for self growth.

@stav that's an interesting way to put it, I've always been partial to fall, maybe because it's the first break from the heat of the summer, but there's something about "cozy season" that can't be beat for me. It makes me want to bake and light candles and drink tea haha

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