Pancake spaceship

in #food8 years ago

Pancake Spaceship

Hello to all Steemians!

Today I will make some blin ( russian for pancake) goodness!

My ingredients were :

  • 4 eggs (I dropped one so actually there were only 3)
  • sugar - I used 1 tea spoon of sugar
  • flour 500 gr ( I used less, the amount is aproximate)
  • baking soda
  • lemon juice and shell
  • milk 500 ml
  • powdered sugar ( just to sprinckle on top)
  • sunflower oil

First step is just to mix the ingredients so I put the flour, the eggs, sugar and the baking soda and then I sprinkled some lemon shell and juice inside the mix.

Now just add the milk (the amount is aproximate) by just looking and feeling. The mixture must be hard for it to be fluffy goodness.
After that star to stir until the mixture will be omogen (one color) .

Now trow them on a hot pan and watch magic happening!

Now that we made the pancakes, let us make the syrop too!

This syrup will the elixir of life because it will be made from lemon juice and honey.

I had some honey from my relatives that are having bee hives at their home. The small problem was that the honey got frozen from the low temperatures.
But no worries ! I just took 3 spoons of honey and put it on the stove to heat little bit and after 2 min I added the lemon juice.

Honey lemon juice

And now let's make our spaceship!

We start by making triangle shaped ship and later on add a cross as a rooftop.

Between the 2 layers of pancake I put my honey elixir then on top I put powedered sugar and a small waterfall of honey elixir.

Pancake Spaceship

And BOOM you got yourself a pancake spaceship! I am Cynetyc and I approve this message!


Aww you made such a work of art of this yummie food!

Thank you @playfulfoodie, much apreciated!

Hello dear friend @cynetyc, we have missed him in his absence.
Excellent job, thank you very much for the recipe

Thanks very much @jlufer for visiting my small post ! I had a lot of stuff to do in the last days but I returned with full power !

That GIF at the top looks the your pancake is about ready to launch into space! Nice work! : )

Thank you @haphazard-hstead those were good and aromated pancakes !

Operation - @berniesanders - Negative Rep. Account

Dear Users,
I came back live because the post listed below is immoral. I will make something clear to all. I am not a bot, I use no auto codes, I do all manually, and I'm very good at everything I do, and put my hands on. You all sit around entertaining and supporting this evil person @berniesanders . You see how he does accounts in negative and treats them less than human. You see the way he bashes and abuses this blockchain and others. Those who support this immoral user who is a legend in his own mind and has won nothing, are now subject to the same tactics used before, with some new added since we want to go to another level of treating people unequal. I will come and fuck up every post painting it with truth and turning viewers and potential payers away, including new users. After all, I too am an artist. I see good people being misled, and clueless following as well. Post like this only aggravate situations, they never help. It's never good to go talking like that about others. So if you're as evil as he is, I'm coming for you. Now I made a promise to a friend to lay these accounts down for the benefit of a lot of things, and a lot of people. So, I now will show the world who is responsible for my quick return. @berniesanders is an immoral, evil, simple minded, heartless with his ways, human being. You want to fix a real life or blockchain problem, Take his ass out, and let the blockchain flourish. Take out the real trash. My flags and spam messages trying to have an equal voice never made me less than any of you. And we all well know, we see my messages as I go 1 by 1. So my friends, since this tyrannical person wants to continue to abuse others, I will remain on the server with all accounts live until @berniesanders is in the -negative reputation. I want him to know what it is like to be attacked into silence. We will see how he spams then to be heard. That is now the only cure for this virus created by abuse on humanity. Have a good day, keep smart ~ This Is A Call To Take Out The Real Trash ~ @berniesanders
To those that disagree, flag away at me. It does not matter. Even at -100 I will have a voice.
These accounts used to fight are expendable and disposable. Only Fix Listed Above.
Sincerely, @iLoveUpvotes ~

Webwide (a.k.a.) EatinCrayons ~

These Messages & Flags Will Cease In Entirety When @berniesanders Account Is In The -Negative Reputation. Let Him Now Reap What He Has Sowed.

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