
You took the words from my fingers! Haha I have made cauliflower and chicken pizza crust but not broccoli. I likr that it's not covered in cheese like a lot of pizzas I've come across. Sometimes its just easier to make a new recipe instead of making a "fake" healthy version but when you're craving pizza, it can be tough to beat :)

Good to know. I’m a recent LCHF convert and still am in the bread craving phase.

Congratulations! I have had a ton of success with that WoE, you can do it! The quickest way I have found to get through those cravings is drop carbs quite low, like keto (20 g net total) for a couple days while keeping those electolytes in check to avoid the "flu". After that, it becomes a mental game, where I remind myself how I felt when I DID eat it, not just what I remembered it tasting like. And I have found that the small cheats I allowed, because, sanity, havent tasted "worth it."

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