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RE: High End Charcuterie: The Making of Lox

in #food5 years ago

Next fall during the lake whitefish run I have developed a novel way of spearing the fish. I'm going to pitch a water-proof light into the 10 foot depth channel and stand on the pier with a 15 foot long spear and stab at the fish silhouette as they pass within range. It's legal, but I've been there and no one is doing it. Should be a blast. Wanna' come up in November and stab a few? I'll make some golden caviar from the females you get to take home with you!


sounds like fun.
sorry I can't make it...I don't get out much anymore.

Neither do I. My wife won't travel without our dog and she won't travel with the dog so I'm screwed. Our daughter is building a huge beautiful home and has invited us down to Alabama to see it when it's finished in the fall. I want to start training the mutt to travel in a crate, but she won't have it. Going down separately sounds like a winner to me.

Maybe I can send you some caviar

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