Dalian special delicacy - radish oyster Steamed Jiaozi! 特色美食—萝卜丝海蛎子蒸饺!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #food7 years ago

海蛎子 馅 2_副本.jpg

There are a lot of delicious food in Dalian , and in the fall, you can see turnip and cabbage everywhere . To me , it is best to eat to the radish oyster Steamed Jiaozi.


I make dumplings with the Radish and oysters. Radish is crisp and juicy with the oyster, that is so delicious that you can’t imagine how good they are . Do you want to eat ? So come with me and share the radish dumplings oyster!

Methods :

Wash the radish and sliced with eraser. And then put a little salt for 20 minutes.



At this time , you can mix the flour . You must use the boiling water to mix the flour , because in this way , the skin of the dumplings will be soft and nice to eat . when you finish the flour , put it aside for 20 minutes.


You can clean the oysters and put the oysters and the radish together , put the onion ginger, cooking wine, salt , soy sauce , a little oil , then mix them together . Now you can make your dumplings .





Put the dumplings into the pot for steaming about 15minutes, then you can enjoy them with your family . oh , My God, really nice to eat ! it is my favourite. Do you like this kind of food ?

锅里蒸 15分.jpg


If you want to eat , do it by yourself in your free time , after all , delicious food can make you happy every day !

Thanks for reading and don’t forget upvote @bxt , I also appreciate you follow and resteem . Happy every day !

大连的美食有很多, 而到了秋天, 萝卜白菜大丰收, 最好吃的要数萝卜丝海蛎子蒸饺了。 萝卜甜脆,水灵, 配上海蛎子,那叫一个鲜,咬一口,一包汤,怎么样? 想吃了吗? 那就跟我一起分享萝卜丝海蛎子蒸饺吧!



萝卜丝腌好后, 用手团一下, 攥出水,跟肉末,海蛎子一起拌,里面要放葱姜末,料酒, 盐,酱油,味精调味。海蛎子很鲜了, 味精可以不放。
少许油 ,调制好的馅就等着包啦!

皮稍微大点,这样好包。包好后, 放锅里蒸,大约15分钟后就可以享用了。嗯,味道不错, 那是杠杠滴!咬起来里面还有汤儿,海蛎子味道十足,这是秋天我最喜欢吃的美味了!

小贴士: 面一定要开水烫过, 饺子皮才软和好吃。海蛎子不能切碎,那样就没有一口一个海蛎子的口感了。萝卜丝不用烫,用盐杀一下就好,这样熟了后水灵好吃。

亲爱的朋友们, 你们是否也愿意吃海蛎子萝卜丝蒸饺呢? 想吃就赶紧行动吧!

感谢您的阅读,喜欢就follow 吧!


AJ picked your post @bxt for his #TOP5 FOOD POST. Visit AJ's FOOD ROUNDUP to view where your post is ranked.

vow , thanks !

Food delicious
Good post

thanks for your coming !

You are welcome my friends @bxt
If have time once visit my blog

祝你今天心情愉悦!cn区点赞机器人 @cnbuddy 很开心你能成为cn区的一员。 @cnbuddy 的梦想是能够对cn区快速发展作出自己的贡献。我的主页会定期总结cn区活动动态,欢迎围观。倘若你想让我隐形,请回复“取消”。


哈, 这是大连特色呀, 来大连不能不知道海蛎子萝卜丝包子,或者饺子!


哦, 有机会一定尝尝,很美味呀!


哈, 可怜天下父母心,吃也要考虑孩子的口味!

Wow nice job keep up the great work

yes, I'd like some
but only cause you cooked the oyster
this must be yum!!!

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