Scoring bread

in #food7 years ago (edited)

[Click here for Polish]

There is some type of beauty in bread scoring.


Bread grows

As yeast and bacteria in the loaf feast on the sugars, they produce carbon dioxide that makes the dough expand. Usually there are three occasions for that during the preparation:

  • bulk proof
  • final proof
  • baking
    In the first two the dough is raw and elastic, the third one however is a combination of many events. First of all, the growth is most rapid at that time. At the same time the crust is forming on the loaf, which may lead to cracks because of expanding.

What to do about cracks on the crust

There are a couple methods of dealing with it:

  • give the bread enough rise so that it doesn't crack - there are certain types of loaves that use that for instance. Such loaves get a rise in special warm chambers and not much is left for the oven, or they rise for a long time

    Source: Breadcentric blog
  • let it crack randomly - it gives the loaf a unique look, but can be a bit of a gamble. Some loose doughs, like rye can get a really nice effect this way
  • one way to get a bit of a controlled crack is to bake a loaf seam side up - when you shape a loaf, you close it and create a seam. it is the loaf's weakest place on surface and are guaranteed to open up.

    Source: Breadcentric blog
  • score the loaf and let it open up in some impressive pattern

    Source: Breadcentric blog

What to score with

You will usually start with a sharp knife. I found that I didn't have a knife fit for the purpose and got myself razorblades instead.

Source: Breadcentric blog
I got a handle as well, but it could even be a coffee stirring stick and it would be fine. The key bit is the curve on the blade that makes it easier to make a score under an angle, I'll mention it later.
Some people use scalpels. I also used a normal sewing thread recently.

How to score

There are basically two types of scores that I recognise:

  • straight
  • angled
    Straight scores tend to expand symmetrically in all directions:

    Source: Breadcentric blog
    Angled scores do something different: the bit of crust on top of the cut usually get's baked faster and further opens with a curve called an ear. Then as the dough expands, it gives an impression as if the dough was coming out from under a cover:

    Source: my first steemit post

There isn't a better or a worse cut in here, both have their place. Many bread scoring artists focus now on making a lot of small straight cuts to make patterns. If the shape of the pattern is important, they often make an angled cut along to limit the expansion and avoid the cracks.

I like symmetrical cuts and am rather average in scoring. The artists usually have a single bread recipe that was very well worked out and take advantage of its predictability.

Source: Instagram breadcentric

When not to score a loaf

In some cases it's better to refrain from scoring even if you really wanted to:

  • if you have a loose dough - it doesn't make sense, the dough will stick to the blade and you won't get any effect from it. You don't get many scored ciabattas out there
  • the flour is rather week - like spelt, barley, khorasan, einkorn, rye (not always) - I don't recommend scoring them as they can loose structure and collapse
  • if the dough is overproofed - it can barely hold it's structure, cutting it will make it release the gas from inside and make a super flat bread

Scoring artists

There's bunch of blade magicians out there, the ones I really love are:

Thank you for your attention and for the upvotes.
All the pictures have been made by me, source links aim at recipes associated with them.
Follow me to see more on bread and software development.


They are lovely breads!

Haha love the steemit logo one 😊

Thanks! I was hoping for something more impressive, but I'm happy anyway, taken into account that I had a terrible flu while making this.

One thing I forgot about in here is that when you score the bread in a specific direction, the bread will change the shape a little bit. This is a fun thing to do, see the triangular one, the loaves looked the same when put into the oven:

The recipe
When the loaves grow a bit too much and I still need to bake two at a time, I score it like this and this makes sure they don't stick to each other while baking :)

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