Good Friday : Brazillian Fish recipe, Rest and Crystal Healing.

in #food6 years ago (edited)


Friday morning was all about discomfort and a slightly less optimistic me. The only thing bolstering my lagging spirits was the thought of 4 days love nesting with Hubby and our Stan subscription trial.

We had wandered into the wonderful world of TV on demand care of our new Telstra Box and have been trying out the others (Netflix and Foxtel), leaving Stan for last only subscribing last Thursday.

As much as I have been complaining about my aches and pains, it really hasn't been too bad.

Most of Friday was spent in bed tossing and turning trying to find a comfortable spot and a show we could get into.

Have you heard of Penny Dreadful?

By that night, only the amount of episodes we've seen had changed. As far as my pains went all I could do was wish it away with some Panadol before we had to get dinner started.

In terms of timing, this was the absolute worst time to attempt something new and ambitious. But if there's something I have learned over the years it's to trust my instincts and explore the meaning behind my cravings especially when my body doesn't feel right and this dish perched firmly on top of my Easter menu.

I found this recipe on Pinterest, saw the vibrant colours of the broth and was instantly drawn to it as it reminded me of the curries I enjoy so much. I was curious about the Brazillian part as I've never had Brazillian food before. I also had most of the ingredients in my pantry and seemed like a great choice for our first ever fish curry.

There was a few things I didn't have on hand and forgot to buy like fish stock and cilantro. I instead used chicken stock and parsley - which I'm sure changed the intended flavors, but nevertheless it was still delicious.

Here's the link to the original recipe
Here is my modified version.

Brazillian Fish in Coconut Broth



750g Fish cut in 2.5 cm cubes
1 can Coconut Milk
1 can Diced Tomatoes
1 cup Chicken Stock
1 large Onion - diced
2 small red Capsicums - sliced
1 Lime - cut in half
2 Garlic cloves - minced
1 Tbs Paprika
1 Tbs Cumin
1 Tsp Cayenne Pepper
Olive oil

Prepare the Fish

  1. Place fish in a bowl.
  2. Squeeze half a lime in.
  3. Add 1/4 tsp of salt and pepper.
  4. Stir to combine.
  5. Cover and place in the fridge for 5 minutes.
  6. In a deep pan, heat 2 tbs olive oil on medium heat.
  7. Fry up fish until golden brown.
  8. Set aside.



Make the broth

  1. Using the same pan, heat 2 tbs oil on medium heat.
  2. Add onions and garlic, sautee for 2 minutes.
  3. Add capsicum, cook for 2 minutes.
  4. Add coconut milk, stock, diced tomatoes and spices (cumin, paprika, cayenne).
  5. Brig to boil then reduce heat to medium, cook for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Add fish, cook for 2 more minutes
  7. Squeeze the other lime half, add salt and pepper if needed.
  8. Cut the parsley into the pan.


But wait there's more

The oysters and king prawns are both served cold which meant it was just a matter of cutting up lemons and serving them on the tower


Such little effort but so much satisfaction. It's so true when people say we eat with our eyes. It really isn't much but because we served it on a pretty plate I swear it tasted nicer lol

Notes and Tips.

  1. Use a firm fish, one that will hold its shape well. We used Monk fish.
  2. Watch that cayenne pepper. We used half a teaspoon and still found it to have quite a bite.
  3. When measuring spices place a clean piece of paper underneath so you can simply fold over the paper and put the spice back in the jar.



Lastly, keep your seeds and try to plant them. These are the seeds from the capsicum.


I didn't think we would be able to top mussels and crab night but we did with this dish and the tower.

Oh my neck, oh my back, oh my neck and my back..

It's been a bit like that. Halfway through the cook I had to go lay down and try to find a comfortable spot a few times. The last time Hubby turned around and said to go fix myself so I finally raided my crystal collection and armed with the crystal directory I selected these.

(Top. Hematite, Bottom Left. Fluorite, Bottom Right. Malachite)

My key words were:
Spine, blood, bone, cells, joints, nerves.

Hematite is a common stone found in most crystal or new age shops. It is very grounding and protective crystal that helps harmonise mind, body and spirit. Healing wise it said to aid in circulatory problems and blood conditions like anaemia by stimulating the absorption of iron and growth of red blood cells. And it is also said to help with spinal alignment.

Fluorite is an extremely protective crystal especially on a psychic level. Able to shut down negative psychic manipulation and influence, Fluorite also cleanses and stabilizes the aura. It is a powerful healing tool able to heal infections and disorders, repair bones, cells, teeth even damaged DNA. Fluorite is also said to alleviate spinal injuries and provide pain relief.

Malachite a versatile healing crystal, referred to as Midwife stone it is often used to help with ladies problems. It also have the ability to lower blood pressure, relieve arthritis, asthma, fractures, swollen joint, growths, tumors, optic nerves, vertigo. It aligns the DNA and cellular structure, and aid the immune system.

Did it work?

I definitely feel like it made a difference especially on Saturday morning. Friday night was horrible, I over did it and paid for it that night. I slept with my crystal pouch strapped to my side, woke up the next morning, after a good night's sleep to a minimal ache. I am happy with minimal ache.

Today is a good day. Had a few aches this morning but it's gone for now. Still I have my pouch sitting on the side of my hips where it will probably stay for the rest of the week.

Last day of the long weekend today. I hope you've all had a great Easter.

🌼 Arly


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fantastic photos! a lovely post, thank you for such a the beauty! I'm sure it's delicious . )))

The future chef... Looks delicious.. Saborozo

Looks delicious. I have a really good fish curry recipe, i will share it next time I make it.

Rock ling and gummy shark are good choices too

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