Who's Up For a Meat-Fest, Butchery and The Energies Thereof? Yum Yum Steak?? Let's go then.......

in #food6 years ago (edited)


No getting around it, whatever one thinks, however well-done or baked the packaging, however stimulated the taste buds:

"You ARE what you eat" - where else do you get the energy to keep going? It turns into something of who and what you are and how you feel about life, about yourself.

What is the nature and quality of energy consumed and absorbed into Being? What is the energy of a broken, captive life full of misery, fear, trauma and suffering? What kind of energy is transmitted thus through the food chain and into one's Being? Can this be ignored?

And what may be the connection between one's own suffering and the suffering that one is directly/indirectly complicit in inflicting, and which one continues to support? This suffering is inflicted mercilessly, often with glee and a keen awareness of the power differential. These are universal dynamics of Oppression as have played throughout history on both Man and Beast. These issues are not separate; the 'moral' dividing line between Abbatoir or Factory-farm and the Concentration Camp or the Abusive Orphanage, is in the human mind alone!

Do you (if you do) consume and accept this 'food' energy through choice, habit, indifference, ignorance...or something else? Dairy is not excluded either, O'Veggies of this world!

I'm no better, no worse that you. You don't have to say or justify shit to me, although you can if you wish.

Maybe you raise and slaughter your food by hand, looking it in the eye as you thank it before it surrenders life? Respect to you! It is more than I do with the fruit and veg I consume. I too am complicit in food violence, regardless of eating habits.


  • Do you know what you are actually doing?
  • Do you know what is actually being done?
  • Can you look the phenomenon in the eye and say, "I'm ok with it, I will carry on as before"?

Can you stomach it? Ha ha, pun intended 😱 🙄. Most can't!

I can stomach it, but then I am the converted. This ain't a fight bros and sisses, it's a fucking eye-opener. Can you stomach the gory truth of what you eat, zat is ze qveschun! Can you watch the following documentaries and allow the mind to be educated without provocation, laying aside anything else but the questions "What am I doing?" and "Do I wish to continue?"

I wonder if you are offended? Title was defo click-bait 😡 .

What of the Offence to the animals making up the foodchain that sustains you? Are your 'offended' feelings even close?.........?? Will you allow yourself a glimpse into their POV? Empathy?

I'll leave you with a joke:

How can you spot a Vegan?
You don't need to! He/she will let you know within a few minutes of your first meeting.

Right, it ain't about the label anyway. Is it?

It's actually just about you! You and only you, nobody else! It's YOUR life, you are within it, there is no escape from the base fact of this!

Deep deep respect if you have made it through Dominion, it's a toughie, as is this next one, which, according to a dramatic futuristic report, is now obligatory for Hum4n1ty to watch :). This issue touches on Integrity, it is personal, it is your life and how you choose to live it. Wake up to what is going on, or don't; change is happening regardless of any and all entrenched personal positions.


@ura-soul for his post where I came across Dominion for the first time. His post delivers a similar message to this one.


I watched both of these, (and I've seen plenty of these in the past) as I feel it's the inherent duty of anyone who consumes meat to understand not only what they are partaking in, but also the implications of the behavior of what they are supporting.

I have so many thoughts on this (especially regarding the psychology behind "the butcher") that feel I could likely convey my thoughts a little better in a post. So I've made a personal goal to create a post, and to help put this in everyone's face.

Perhaps meat packages, instead of depictions of rainbows and clean looking farms, should depict the terrified eye's of a young animal watching his/her family being murdered, while a sociopath who is obviously suffering from a moral disconnect and deep seated issues, mocks in jubilation as blood fills the floors, and screaming ensues.

Yes, depictions of smiley face clowns with 1.99 burgers shouldn't be the standard. I'll speak more in a post.

When I consume meat, I don't give thanks to the animal who sacrificed his/her life, I give thanks to the likely 10 different lives I'm eating all simultaneously who were dumped into a grinder and mixed together.

Nice one bro!!!

I feel it's the inherent duty of anyone who consumes meat to understand not only what they are partaking in, but also the implications of the behavior of what they are supporting.

For sure! I feel there is Responsibility for what we partake in and what we support, directly or indirectly. And that this responsibility carries an energetic impulse which feeds into Being, influencing how we feel and perceive Life itself.

Perhaps meat packages, instead of depictions of rainbows and clean looking farms, should depict the terrified eye's of a young animal watching his/her family being murdered, while a sociopath who is obviously suffering from a moral disconnect and deep seated issues, mocks in jubilation as blood fills the floors, and screaming ensues.

Fuck that's powerful. Makes me think of all the scenes (esp. in Dominion) where I found myself getting upset/angry over the pleasure in inflicting pain: the gratuitous battering, kicking, prodding, torture, tail-twisting on and on... needless really; merciless and brutal. It is a system without empathy, no room reserved for feelings in these captive beings nor for exercising their natural behaviour. They are objectified in a manner that leads - demonstrably - to intense abnormal psychological (and physical) states. The vital organs of such animals cannot remain unaffected, nor can their flesh. The effects of this energetic transfer through the food chain may not be quantifiable, but the fact of it seems clear enough to me. This is yet another example of how food can be toxic.

the likely 10 different lives I'm eating all simultaneously who were dumped into a grinder and mixed together.

I know you're on a budget bro, but that sounds pretty bleak....lol ;-)

I have so many thoughts on this (especially regarding the psychology behind "the butcher") that feel I could likely convey my thoughts a little better in a post.

Chilling, but yes man! This is the shadow playing in daylight, the hidden bowels of human experience that resides within each of us, mostly denied and suppressed.

Thanks for stopping by and dropping some great FM thoughts 🔆

Aye, the classics of painful awareness education, those vids were really important to me as well ;)
you know ever since my psychedelic experiences and some experiments I really think of this in a less serious way than before.
I do not have a bad conscience when I eat meat these days or eggs or cheese, because to me it's all part of the inexplicable illusion of life on Earth where things tend to eat each other in endless cycles. That said, I curiously find I hardly ever eat meat or animal products compared to a few years ago. And every time I do I make a sort of prayer out of it, a gratitude chant, and never eat any animal remains unconsciously.

I find myself almost being vegetarian and yet I don't get the creeps from meat or fish at all.

It's funny really, maybe it's just my way of justifying it but in the rare occasions that I do eat meat I not only give it my gratitude and awareness but also the ... image in mind.... that its relatives will soon graze upon the remains of my decomposed body in the sunshine out on some meadow somewhere.

Guess it all comes back don to the question if we think this life is serious or 'just' some grand illusion for the purpose of taking all perspectives of the game eventually. <3

Thanks for your clear perspective PP! It's pretty damn sophisticated in its expression and I guess you are one of the few who can "look the phenomenon in the eye".

I do wonder though what your take is on the transfer of energy from animal (through the system of mass production) to human, through the process of consumption. I would certainly agree that giving thanks, paying respect and offering oneself in return to be grazed upon [:)] would mitigate some of the energetic 'contamination' in the form of fear, trauma, suffering, pain, the unnatural manner of confinement etc etc which carries through (I wonder if you do agree that it carries through?). Would the 'un-neutralised' part of this energy not have a background effect on your own life and being, potentially holding you back in some subtle regards? Of course it's part of the game, and we can choose any path and off-shoot we like, but nonetheless, there seems to be an energetic debt that is taken on through this process (because it is at the expense of another being). I accept your stated position, just wonder how this particular issue strikes you.

I like "'just' some grand illusion for the purpose of taking all perspectives of the game eventually." ....... perspectives which have been painstakingly developed over life-times; both in the roles of victim and victimiser. But having played those roles to their utmost, a third role seems to become possible - that of neither victim nor victimiser. So it seems to me anyhow.

Great you stopped by my friend 🔆 🔆 🔆

I certainly do agree that the traumatic experiences most of the available animals in supermarkets and the like carry a hefty molecular infusion in what we eventually eat and I am pleased to say that I have had meat in the last year or two that was outright disgusting to me before I even tried to eat it. Taught myself a tough lesson in like: Please don't buy this again dude please! And I didn't. Same goes with many deep frozen products that don't even contain meat - when I feel it's not good for me intuitively I will not eat it.
Then on the other hand I made this experiment on having a freakin' beef burger on a strong acid trip at ozora despite some of my freind's warnings NEVER to eat meat on a trip... and... it was totally fine and a blessing almost.

I really really dig the idea of not supporting the big suffering and pain inducing industrial meat production complex which is probably the reason I eat meat so seldomly. Then again my mom has a forrester friend who brings a dear in once a year he shot and worked on himself, which is split for like 8 families and that is almost a ... spiritual meal for me on every level.

Might sound weird but I feel way better eating sea creatures than land creatures, and while still figuring out what dietary advice is healthy and which is just plain propaganda I try to eat high quality animal protein whenever I do, local or at least "organic" and pretty expensive.

About that third role, that is certainly an interesting take. I may make it too easy on myself but I like looking to more traditional cultures for handling the aspect of living with and off animals in a more nature connected way. Which brings us full circle to your point of looking the being in the eye before I take his life. Not there yet as I don't yet have my farm but when I do I will do my utmost to find a way to make that happen in accord with the cosmic flow of things and a MUTUAL understanding of animal and human family, not a one sided oppressive doctrine of "You are my slave animal". I do't remember where I read it but there was this story of the man who was about to kill the cow he loved and raised the ebst way he could and the cow - when it sensed its natural end of its lifecycle had come - literally offered itself to the man out of love.

That is ultimately what I will be aiming for. Making their lives as awesome as possible and not cutting it short artificially even if it means there will be no meat for another year. Then again, egss are somehow different for me, which gets us right into the abortion debate doesn't it?^^

The meat issue debate is a constant at psy festivals and I have heard the msot amazing testimonies on both sides. Really don't have any conclusive answers just really proud of finding my way in all this contrary information out there on what to eat and what not to eat.

I have felt better after that 'questionable but blessed' burger at the psy festival than after eating some veggies that already made my intuition jump. So I guess to me any and all food is infused all the time, and sometimes to such a degree that the type (meat, veggie, candy, beer etc) doesn't even matter half as much as what I feel when I intent on buying it and eventually have it. And surprisingly I am often spot on with my intuition, kind of battering myself why then I thought buying this juice or that pack of tomatoes had to happen as they were clearly screaming at me in the store not to buy them.

No idea if I even answered your points here but look, I am taking the spotlight off of your article which I don't want to do. Much love to you brother!

No idea if I even answered your points here but look, I am taking the spotlight off of your article which I don't want to do.

You've given me a very clear education on your POV and I am grateful for the expanded perception on this issue. I can now see some gaps where my view was/is simplistic! As for spotlight, lol: as you more or less said to me a few days ago "seems like it's just you in this audience" 🔆 .

You know, just today when I was cycling back from town I stopped to get some juice. Along with the juice I fancied some chocolate. This is something I do once in a while when I give in to an urge and the opportunity is there ie consume products that contain dairy. As I was eating it, I thought of our conversation. I realise that I am always aware of consuming dairy when I do it, a gut feeling which I kinda put aside, kinda ignore. I used to consume VAST quantities of dairy, and it's been 2-3 years 'off' them. Felt like I was shown a parallel, whereby I could get a better picture of what you were saying about your (not)meat eating through this insight into my own habits and gastronomic elasticity 😌. It was a nice little gift.

I have also in the past acted with food in the manner you describe - bought a pack of Pink Lady apples a few years ago and when I took a bite, I had a similar kind of intuitive disgust; same with Jordan's cereal; threw them away and never bought them again.

I'd love to come and visit you on your farm, maybe tend to some of the animals for a while and explore some herbal or psychedelic prospects of a new paradigm ;) ... a setup like the one you describe is very very far from the depictions of Dominion and Earthlings, and one I can picture being in harmony with Nature and natural processes. It sounds idyllic, and realistic 🔆

I also wonder about the effect of culture and conditioning with regard to this issue - and with regard to, say our differences - yours and mine. I grew up in India, where non-meat eating is the norm, catered for and accepted everywhere. I lived in Munich in 90/91, where I lived off bread and cheese and tinned lentils lol. Non meat-eating was most certainly something that Germans were not sensitive to (especially the Bavarians ;).I am assuming you grew up in G. What I'm saying is it's much 'easier' for me to be in my position viz-a-viz content of this post. I have not fully appreciated how much further it is to travel from a background where it was pretty much ubiquitous and unquestioned.

Your story is remarkable, thanks so much for sharing it brother 🔆


You are utterly welcome. As I said the farm is the aim, once I know where that will happen you have an eternal invitation for sure. However, it might be conceivable that I come visit you first as the finding of my future place will involve lots of travel in the next decade.

Yeah I come from Northern Germany, the Bavarians indeed have a thing for their meat specialtuies and the rare occasions I do visit down there I am somewhat in love with having a few select dishes. Their cheese dishes are amazing as well if one can stomach it^^

They say Germany is europe's largest slaughter house. I see it as a way to further inflict pain and suffering upon all beings living here and I am quite pelased to say that there are some statistics that point to Germans eating less and less meat... while the "production" has not really decreased of course.

Thank you for the visualization, really can't do it enough to get where I'm going. It's funny, most people have no idea where they are going and what to aim for but have a few thousand to spare for some new shiny car. with me it's pretty much just the opposite, I totally know where I am going only need to find a way to make that happen. Thus 2019... it will be my year <3

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