Quick Bday Lunch Party!

in #food7 years ago (edited)

One of my neighbor's was turning 30 yesterday, she didn't tell anyone, she never mentioned it as we just met. Her and her family are pretty new to the community, so I didn't really know. But as soon as I found out I was ever so glad to be the one that hoards party supplies!

I stamped up glassine bags to fill with candy and added a ribbon, voila! Goodie bags! I had pink everything left over from my nieces birthday as well as party hats I used to decorate my folding tables I brought in.
I made tzatziki dip, hummus, lavender lemonade cupcakes, Greek salad and lasagne! Having a full stocked fridge and pantry is super handy!
Since my neighbor had no clue this party was in her honor she brought a coconut vanilla cake which we enjoyed as well.
She was moved and brought to tears as she said she hadn't had a surprise party since she was a child. With her husband being away right now she had no plans and was not expecting to do anything on her big day.
Getting to know her and getting together with our lady neighbors and friends is always a treat. I believe forming bonds in your community is very important. Plus, I can't ever say no to a party!

Do you like surprise parties?


You are so sweet!!

Everyone deserves a birthday party :)

Wow. I truly wish you were my neighbor!

I have never had a surprise party, but I have been to one and it was cool. It wasn't as fancy as yours though!

Aww I would throw one for you! The only condition would be for you to bring your guitar and sing for us! Oh that would be lovely!
Happy weekend to you sweet friend!

You are just awesome my friend! What a great surprise for the lady, wow!
I really have to move and be your neighbour . i'm sure i will be well treated! It is really rare to see generous and big hearted people like you, so glad to know you my friend!

Aww what a kind thing to say! You and yours would definitely be over all the time to share a meal or two at my home. I have cooked for a chef before and I survived so I think I would do good haha

You are beautiful to do this for her! I hosted a little party this morning for friends and dogs!

Puppy parties are the best! Only have hosted 2, one ended up with a pervy dog having to go home and another with my littlest chihuahua getting violent lol

You are a super thoughtful person, such a nice thing to do. Multi tasking must be your forte and everything looks really lovely.
Actually, I don't like surprise parties. The last one I remember was my 19th! My boyfriend at the time was taking me out for a cocktail and dinner. Before we were out of the drive, he has forgotten his wallet. Sigh...we drove back up to the mobile home and wants me to come with him. Open the door and "Surprise"...I was overwhelmed! If I had the cocktail first it would have been much more fun😉

I just imagined you making a Miss Googley eyes face upon entering! I have never had a surprise party. One time my parents were going to throw me one but then this girl told me, she did it thinking it would ruin my day but I was glad she did for I made myself extra pretty that day haha
Aww teenage days lol

lol. Why am I not surprised you have plenty of lovely party supplies on hand for a quick party? lol. That was really sweet of you. 30 can be a hard birthday because you are leaving those young 20s behind. Glad she had a great time.

I left my 30's behind a decade ago, I miss them more than my 20's surprisingly.

That was super nice of you to put this together for her.

I know how it is to be the new one and how lonely that could feel, when I used to live in VA my neighbors welcomed me with pastries and I remember how nice that felt :)

Kudos to you! It's a great way to strengthen a community. BTW, Can I be your neighbour?

haha of course! We are always sharing treats from our gardens and hens and such. It's so pleasant when everyone makes an effort to get along. :)

That is such a great thing that you did.

Getting to make a new friend was the best part of it!

That's just lovely! Can I move in your neighbourhood? 😁

Haha of course! And I will throw a party in your honor as well :)

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