Easy and Tasty Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Recipe

in #food6 years ago (edited)

The other day I asked in @thesteemengine discord group what to do with all my bananas I had recently bought at market. The lady had them on sale 16 for $1 instead of the usual 12/$1. I bought quite a few and they were all getting too ripe at the same time! I had some in the freezer already, but needed a good recipe to use some up quickly!! That's when banana bread was brought up and decided upon! This is a tasty recipe that I hope you'll try!

Slice of bread on my favorite Fiestaware lilac plate.

I put quite a few of the peeled bananas in the freezer to use for smoothies in the future. I even convinced a kid or two to eat a frozen banana - they were kind of shocked that they were so cold. Ha! I needed something to make for our Bible study meal and decided to try out a banana bread recipe. It ended up being really yummy and everyone loved it! I've made 3 loaves since then and need to get another one going! Everyone really likes it!

3 to 4 very ripe bananas, peeled
1/3 cup melted butter
1 teaspoon baking soda
Pinch of salt
3/4 cup sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour

IMG_0547.JPG . IMG_0548.JPG

First things first, set your oven to 350°F (175°C) to preheat. Take 3-4 overly ripe bananas and mash them up in a bowl. Mash them some more if you don't want chunky banana bites in your bread.


Stir in about 1/3 cup of melted butter into the bananas. I just used a fork the whole time as it was pretty easy to mix up the mixture.


I have said before that Mexican vanilla makes all the difference in the world, and I still believe that. Mexican vanilla is the best (and can you believe that Panama doesn't sell it??). I used to be able to find it on the International aisle at Walmart in Texas. I asked my mom to bring me some last year when they came and she thought I meant the real deal. Apparently I use an imitation which tastes pretty good to me. She bought me a bottle of REAL vanilla for $18 (yikes) but I still haven't opened it! Just a teaspoon of this goes into the mixture - imitation vanilla works well if you don't have Mexican vanilla!

IMG_0551.JPG . IMG_0552.JPG

Next add 1 teaspoon baking soda, a pinch of salt, 3/4 cup of sugar, and 1 egg. Then add in 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour. Mix it all up nice and smooth. I also add 2 handfuls of chocolate chips which is probably about 3/4 cup or so. More or less depending on how chocolatey you want it!

IMG_0553.JPG . IMG_0556.JPG

Yum yum yum! Pour this into a loaf pan that has been sprayed with cooking oil or spread with some butter and put it in the oven for about 50 minutes. Insert a toothpick in the center to check that it is done. If it comes out clean, it is ready to come out! Allow to cool in the pan for a few minutes before removing and slicing.


Let me know if you try it! YUMMY!!

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The STEEM Engine



That looks delicious! Banana bread is one of my favorite foods! I have never thought to put chocolate chips in it tho.. that is just brilliant! I am going to try it as soon as i get into a new home...

Yes, banana bread is a hit in my household too. With pecans though. Most of the time I don't even make it into a loaf bread but into muffins. So babies can just grab one and slather butter on it.

Mexican vanilla...I'm curious how that tastes compare to what I have now...

Muffins sound like a great idea too! :) Mexican vanilla is the best. ;)

@catweasel has been agitating for banana bread ever since I found a recipe for that on the back of a flour bag. We even have the over-ripening bananas on hand now, so I think this is on the schedule for tomorrow -- if he gets home early enough from some errands he has to run.

Good thing you posted this, I guess -- because I'm not sure where the flour sack recipe is now. I have a landslide of junk in one corner of the room I need to excavate. It's probably in there. Maybe you know how that goes. Then again ... maybe not.

As for the difference between real vanilla and imitation vanilla ... girl, once you try the real thing you may throw rocks and stone at that imitation stuff. I assure you that's how I feel about it.

I've even looked into what it takes to make your own vanilla. You can do that you know. They have all kinds of different vanilla beans and flavor varieties. You just add vodka and let them sit. And sit. And sit. And I can just imagine how that tastes after a while. (HOOO-EEEEE.) I may just do that some day. I'll let you know how that turns out.


My whole house is a landslide of junk. And that's no lie. I try to keep the kids to contain theirs in their room. There is one room we try to keep clean to be able to share with people who come over. ;) I have looked at making vanilla as well. I found some vanilla beans at a local store in the spice section, but I think it was kind of expensive. Try it and let me know!!

I will. I know the beans can look kind of expensive at first glance. But if you make your own extract, you keep adding liquor to the bottle as you use it and they can last more than a year. When you use vanilla the way I do, it starts to look very attractive.

Right now, I get the real vanilla from Costco which is far less expensive than elsewhere. But I use 2 - 3 times more vanilla than is called for in baking. I love the taste and it brings out the flavor in cookies and muffins! I put it in Mexican chocolate. Even chocolate milk made with regular Nestles Quik. I've even been known to sip it straight from the bottle once in a while.

Hmmm. Maybe I'm just a lush.

Lol! That is a lot of vanilla!! I rarely use it unless a recipe calls for it, but perhaps I'm missing out if you use it all the time!! I love the way it smells. I have had the bottle I've been using for years - I better kick it up a notch and start using it more! Put it on like perfume even! ;)

OH MY! Banana bread is one of my favorites. Going to have to try this one with chocolate chips in it. Thank you!

Oh yum! Banana bread is one of my faves! This looks delish @apanamamama

Wowo no doubt that look tempting. With the spare banana we make a recwpi call "pua"by mixing it flour and then in sugar syrup...

Looks very yummy @apanamamama. I love banana bread. it's a great way to use up over ripe bananas. 😊

That looks delicious @apanamamama. We're very keen on bananas and lately they've only been used as part of our daily milk kefir ... but I do love banana bread and banana and blueberry muffins 🍌 Thank you for the recipe.

¡Me parece deliciosísima! Pues bueno... Los plátanos con chocolate son una pareja de los cielos.

Jajaja – Tuve que mirar dos veces porque la botella de vanilla me parecía una de las que se usan aquí para petroleo. Prefiero yo la vaina de vanilla de Madagascar. Las usaba cuando hacía helado de vanilla casero.

Que sea bueno y que los niños les guste. :-)

Espanol? Mi cerebro no quiere leer respuestas en espanol... ;)

Yummy!! I LOVE banana bread!! Every time my mom used to make it when we were growing up I couldn’t wait to dig in! I can’t believe I haven’t made my own yet. Your post just helped me to remember how much I love it.

Thank you for sharing the recipe, yours looks yummy! I’ll have to look into this Mexican vanilla too!!!

Walmart should have Mexican vanilla!

Awesome!! 👍🏽

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