Homemade Turmeric Tacos with Spicy Battered Broccoli and Roasted Garlic Cashew Sauce

in #food7 years ago (edited)


Tacos on a Monday? I say yes to that. I made these the other day and they came out perfect. Not the healthiest meal I must admit but sometimes you need to splurge right? That's what weekends are for ;)

Though I submitted my entry for the Steemit Culinary Challenge #38 earlier today, this was actually the recipe I wanted to enter but stupid me... I forgot about the new rules of showing a steemit tag with your name and date in every picture.

To be honest I forgot to add one in the first pictures of the red beet brownie too... but I made plenty of others with the tag... just in time.

My kitchen can be hectic let me tell you that. Always something going on in there. Especially the day I made the tacos. Such a mess I made... but it was super delicious. That's what counts and everybody helped with the dishes.

Definitely not a quick week night dinner (unless you buy the taco bread) but oh so good and highly recommendable. We are making this again. that's for sure!

Ingredients (serves 4 or two soft shell tacos each)

For the turmeric tacos

13.5 oz flour
3/4 tsp dried yeast
3/4 tsp salt
3/4 tsp raw palm sugar
1 1/8 cup lukewarm water (40C or 105F)
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tbsp dried oregano
1 tsp ground cumin seeds


Cashew sauce

1 small head of garlic
1/2 cup soaked cashew nuts
1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/4 cup soy sauce
Black pepper and salt to taste

Battered broccoli

4-4.5 cups broccoli florets
1 1/4 cup almond milk
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
3/4 cup flour
1/2 cup corn starch
1 tbsp chili powder (or more for extra spicy)
1 tbsp dried oregano
Black pepper and salt to taste
Panko as needed (about 2 cups)
Fresh finely chopped chives (garnish)


Shredded red cabbage
Grated carrot
Grated daikon radish


For the sauce

  1. Preheat oven to 200C or 400F. Separate the garlic head in separate clove. Lightly crush and leave the skin on. Roast in the oven until golden brown.
  2. When ready, squeeze the garlic out of its peel and add to a blender or food processor. Add all other sauce ingredient and process until smooth sauce-like consistency. Set aside in the fridge.


For the coleslaw

  1. Combine all ingredients and set aside.

For the tacos

  1. Make the dough while the garlic is roasting.
  2. Combine flour, yeast, sugar, herbs, and salt. Add a little lukewarm water and start kneading (or use mixer with dough hook). Keep pouring the water, a little at a time. After mixing/kneading for a while, the dough for the tacos should become an elastic ball. If it is too crumbly, add more water. When too moist or sticky add a little bit more flour. Divide into smaller balls.
  3. Cover in an oiled or floured bowl with a clean kitchen towel. Let sit in a warm place for at least 20 minutes or until they doubles in size. FYI: If it is winter, turn the oven on for just a few minutes. Turn it off and let it rise there for a while.
  4. Dust a flat surface with flour and use a rolling pin or your hands to make thin circles or tacos. Add a little flour to the rolling pin too.
  5. Heat a non-stick frying pan with coconut oil to medium-high heat. Cook each taco for a few minutes each side.







For the broccoli

  1. For the batter: combine the apple cider vinegar and the almond milk in a small bowl. Stir and let sit for a few minutes to make vegan buttermilk.
  2. In a bowl add the flour, cornstarch, oregano, chili powder, and salt. Then add the almond milk mixture to the dry ingredients and whisk together until combined.
  3. In another shallow bowl, put the panko in a separate bowl.
  4. Cut broccoli into florets. Dip each floret into the batter, then into the panko. Coat thoroughly.
  5. Heat frying oil (we used coconut oil) on medium high in a large pan, I used a dutch oven. The oil should cover about 1/2-1 inch of oil at the bottom of the pan. Once the oil is hot add the battered broccoli to the hot oil. Fry for about a minute or two on each side, or until brown and crispy.

Assemble: taco - coleslaw -battered broccoli - sauce - chives (or cilantro would be lovely too, but my hubby hates it)









Bon Appétit


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Or check out my health and recipe blog for more yummy recipes!


what a delicious meatless monday recipe :)

bummer for you :P please untag it
its confusing - if its not an entry please don't use the tag
it clutters the homepage of the SCC
i'm looking around for the most creative entry and find a lot of "seemingly entries" but mostly are just tag squatters
peace ;)

I'm sorry for the confusion but I thought the title made it clear that this isn't an entry. I also didn't share it to the steemit.chat. Confused now, since @woman-onthe-wing thought it was a great idea to add the tag. But if it bothers you so much I'll remove it. Did mean to cause any confusion. Sorry ;)

hi ya sorry ook
laat het maar
gisteren was ik door iets geirriteerd
en het allerlaastte die ik deed was de entries te checken -
lame excuse ..normaal zit ik voor de computer zoals een zombie
bijna geen emotie maar gisteren was anders - iets meegemaakt hier
niet mijn bedoeling om overal te uiten - eigenlijk mijn fout ..excuses dus - sorry ook
als je de toestemming van de host gekrijgen hebt - wie ben ik nou om dat te vragen toch? :)
vandaag ben weer zombie .. dus toen ik dit laz dacht ik - wat heb ik nou aan haar verteld waarom zei ze sorry - en dan heb ik daar boven op gelezen en mijn wang werd rood.. niet bedoeld .. zo gemeen eh?
kom je toch hier? wanneer?

Geen probleem hoor! Ik hoop dat het allemaal niet te erg is. Kop op and veel moed. We hebben allemaal onze slechtere dagen. Dikke knuffel ;) Wij komen indedaad richting Europa binnen een maand. Kijk er al naar uit om familie en vrienden terug te zien.

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They look soooooo delicious @amy-goodrich OMG!!

Thanks @nickoskitchen! They were a lot of work but so worth it!

They look beautiful, and I love your choice of ingredients, not only incredibly healthy but also super flavorful and very aesthetically put together. Making me hungry at 7am lol.

Hehe! Thanks for your support! They sure were delicious.

These look delicious! Good luck with the challenge and hello from Bali ♥

Thanks @isshappy! Are you planning to stay in Bali or already planning your next adventure?

We're staying for some weeks. Tomorrow we will apply for a visa extension :D

yum, yum... these looks so delicious :))
Good luck in the challenge @amy-goodrich!!

Nice dish!!! It looks like Mauritian food. Here also we made the same but with another vegetable, it really great especially when you serve it hot.

Really? I should come and visit one day! Not only does it look beautiful but I'm sure everything tastes so good there too.

WHAT THE HELL. wow, those sound and look incredible -- @dayleeo you must make and report back!!

Hehe! I wish I could send you some. Thanks for your comment and they are def a must try! We loved them.

Almost thought it was coming out as a cookie at two of the pictures though the title telling me it's not.

Hehe! Yummy cookies! thanks for stopping by @ace108

You are welcome

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