All day cleaning the fish pond and fish to eat with family

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians..

Terasa sangat menyenangkan kegiatan seperti gotong royong membersihkan kolam.apalagi ikan ikan di kolam sudah besar,dan sangat enak untuk di makan.semua terasa indah bila kegiatan kegiatan seperti ini di lakukan dengan bersama.

It feels very fun activities like cooperation cleaning fishs in the pond is great, and very good to eat. All feels beautiful when activities like this are done together.

Saudara dan kawan semua berkumpul disini untuk membantu membersihkan kolam.dan mengambil beberapa ekor ikan yang sudah besar untuk persiapan nanti malam untuk dibakar.ada beberapa jenis ikan yang ada di kolam tersebut.mulai dari ikan mas,gurami,mujair dan lain sebagainya.

Brothers and friends all gather here to help clean the pond.and take some big fish to prepare for the night to be burned. There are several types of fish that exist in the pond.from start carp, gurami, mujair and others.



Ikan pun mulai ditangkap satu persatu dari kolam.dan kolam pun dibersihkan untuk bibit ikan yang baru nanti.ikan ini sengaja dipelihara sebagai hiasan rumah dan kalau sudah panen nanti untuk di makan bersama,bukan untuk dijual di pasar.

Fish was started to be caught one by one from pond.dan pond was cleaned for new fish seedlings later. This is deliberately kept as home decoration and if already harvest later to eat together, not for sale in market.



Ikannya sangat banyak dan besar.sebagian ikan dibagikan untuk beberapa saudara dan kawan yang datang kemari.dan ada juga untuk dibakar malam ini.sungguh terasa seru karena ikannya langsung dari kolam pribadi milik abang saya.dan tinggal pilih yang mana untuk di panggang dan seterusnya di makan.

The fish is very much and big. Part of the fish is distributed to some relatives and friends who come here and there is also to be burned tonight. Really feels exciting because the fish is directly from private pool belongs to my brother. And just choose which one to roast and so on eat.



Dan ikan pun mulai dibersihkan untuk menyambut malam nanti.seru dan sangat seru melihat ikan ikan tersebut dari hasil tangkapan kolam pribadi.masing masing memilih mau ikan yang mana.dan setelah dipilih kita langsung membersihkannya.

And the fish began to be cleaned to welcome tonight.exciting and very exciting to see the fish from the catch of private pond. each choose want fish that.and after chosen we immediately clean it.




Dan tempat panggang pun mulai disiapkan.api dan bara mulai si panaskan untuk menyambut kedatangan malam nanti.hari pun mulai sore semua bahan sudah disiapkan.

And the baked place began to be prepared. But and the embers start the heat to welcome the arrival tonight. Day began the afternoon all the materials have been prepared.



Ikan pun mulai masak dan siap untuk dimakan.semua mulai berkumpul untuk menikmati hasil ikan bakarnya.anak-anak pun ikut meramaikan suasana.malam pun mulai terasa indah dengan sajian ikan bakar.

The fish began to cook and ready to eat. All started gathering to enjoy the grilled fish.the children also participate enliven the atmosphere of the night began to feel beautiful with grilled fish dish.



Time to enjoy

Dan anak anak pun ikut hadir untuk melihat ikan hasil dari kolam.mereka pun menemani orang tuanya untuk menikmati ikan bakar hasil tangkapan sore tadi.meskipun mereka harus di dampingi untuk menikmati ikan tersebut.agar tidak termakan tulang halus dari ikan tersebut.

And childrens are also present to see the fish from the pond.we also accompany his parents to enjoy the grilled fish catches this afternoon.although they should be accompanied to enjoy the dad not consumed the fine bone of the fish.

Meskipun saya tidk bisa hadir disitu.tapi saya juga ikut senang bisa melihat anak dan abang-abang saya bisa berkumpul dimalam itu.saya tidak ada disitu karena saya lagi bertugas diluar kota sebagai tanggung jawab saya kepala keluarga.

Although I can not be there but I am also glad to see my children and brothers can gather that night. I am not there because I am again duty outside the city as the responsibility of my family head.


Hope you like


Thanks you

Salam Komunitas Steemit Indonesia


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Wah enak sekali makan ikan bakar yang ditangkap sendiri, Fresh! Resteemed!

Iya benar..apalagi ikan hasil piaraan sendiri..
Thanks @fathin-shihab sudah hadir dalam profil saya.😊

Wah ikan apa ini ?

Banyak guys,,ada ikan hiu,ikan paus,dan lain lain..

Hahaha..keep spirit ya guysssss

Fantastic post, @ahmadredha! In the US we call this fishing in a barrel!

I love this man-made fish pond. There must be a ton of fish in there. Do you have any problems with disease or perhaps there is a fresh water supply keeping this clean?

If I read this correctly, you don't sell any of these fish but keep them for yourselves? What a terrific food sourcing strategy. Do many people in your country do the same?

Your post is one of the main reasons I joined Steem: to learn about different people and their way of life. Thank you again for this lovely post.

I have upvoted your post and followed you. Feel free to follow me back and good luck with Steem!

Thanks @braveboat..

In Indonesia many homes have fish ponds as an additional decoration that makes the house beautiful..start from small to large

Nice pond you have there. I will love to have one someday.

play to indonesia brother .. lets me love the fish for you too..haha

That is an awesome post and that fish looks delicious. Thank you for sharing

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