🙈 RELAX Flat-Earthers... You Can Just Use These Images In Your Posts

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

I know every time a rocket blasts off into the vast unknown of space, the Flat Earth communities are all abuzz scrambling to find a way to 'plausibly' deny what just happened. It's just swamp gas reflecting the street lights off the clear glass plate hovering just above the 2D plane of the Earth or whatever.

Damn that Elon Musk

There he goes again throwing rockets and cars up into the sky again, or did he? 🤔 Maybe everyone was standing in front of a huge holographic projector up at Cape Canaveral, you know, the world largest outdoor sound stage/magic studio.

Whatever you think just happened on Tuesday is not my concern. However, I decided to help lower your stress levels and created these images for you. Feel free to use them in your conspiracy publications, you don't even have to give me credit for them.




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I don't often upvote post 2 hour old. But when I do, their incredibly entertaining.

😁 Happy I could supply the entertainment. Thank you!

Honestly, the flat earthers have zero sense I have many conversations and debates with them. I am an Astrophysicist and I swear now they completly ignore everything I say and even dismiss the greatest scientists of all time. For example there is no such thing as Gravity, but only boyancy...... What the hell does that even mean?

I hope you annoy a few of them with the post haha.

Good job!

LOL - I hear ya, but also amazing how that movement is actually gaining in numbers. Thanks for the supportive feedback.

The topic got a boost a couple years back. I have been having these conversations since 2006. Some people are employing the scientific method to answer the question "What shape is this place?" rather than having faith in trusted sources, such as NASA, SpaceX and the public school system. For others it is harder to admit not knowing.

Could you post a link to some of these debates you have had so I can show you where you are wrong?

But I don't understand. Do you think the Earth is flat?

It seems like a possibility worth discussing, as you already have done - I'd like to review your points and comment.

Video of the starcar from Earth

There is no other explanation. There is no way that little blip of light could be anything other than a mannequin driving an electric car around space. Good job!

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but if you actually want to argue that the Earth is flat then I can't do it with you, I'm sorry, it's too much for me.

It is a little rude to state that people you disagree with have zero sense, and then not support that statement. You are representing astrophysicists!

I didnt say that people I agree with have zero sense and I didnt suggest you have either. But I am an Astrophysicist and I studied a lot and hard and I came to the educated conclusion the Earth is spherical and not flat.

Sorry if you think differently.

Maybe you could stand to further your education. Don't be sorry.

I don't have much patience with flat-earthers (or anyone else who uses pseudo-science to support their nutty claims). I don't bother debating them any more because you are guaranteed not to make a single inch of headway.

On the other hand, would you feel good about trying to convince small children that Santa doesn't exist? Like children, flatties may grow out of their delusional beliefs eventually. Until then, maybe it's cruel to mock them for their immaturity?

Yeah, I'm on the fence about it. We don't want this kind of ignorance to spread. :-) But, with the Santa issue it's our fault for lying to the kids - with this, they make shit up and lie to each other.

For example... ?

Too much to ask for ...

indoctrination is real..... when i first came across the flat earth theory i thought what are these wackos talking about. As a science buff i thought it was quite obvious that these flat earthers were on something. After a year of investigating the theory I've now seen how the masses have been duped for a hell of a long time. If one is interested in finding the truth just go over all the "facts" on why the earth is a sphere. Ask yourself why are all the flights in the southern hemisphere so inefficient with their routes. Just try and book a flight from Chile to south Africa. Why is the shortest route a stop in senegal? Why does the UN use a different map of the world in their logo? Why would we be taught the earth is round after thousands of years it was know to be flat? Its not wise to discredit any information without first researching the topic. Look up eric dubay. peace

Really cars in space.....i thought in space person jumps miles distance and see now they being lazy are taking toys out there ....may be in upcoming years they may start F1 racing .....😋

Race you to Mars... 🚗 vs 🚀

Which if occur will leave you with scars...😉

I really have trouble giving serious replies to these flat earthers. And maybe more disturbing is that sometimes they are even people who I consider to have common sense.

Leo says it all there..

and here I have a full page of 'debate' over the topic from a simple set of photoshop'd pics LOL

But...how....... smh

Up voted, I do not really care how old the post is, as long as it a quality post. We need to question what they taught us and what they told us and what THEY are telling us. Decide for yourself! Personally, I do not think we spin, i am very sensitive and believe me i would know if there was any movement. And yes, we live in a matrix, question everything

Good work,very nic posts.

yes like real that in the picture is indeed in outer space turns it all behind the scenes projector ,, a post that is amazing @steempowerpics

Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste :D greetings

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