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RE: The Flat Earth “Psyop”… ?

in #flatearth7 years ago

This email is just full of poor reasoning. I couldn't even make my way all the way through it.

Just a few from the top:

the photos of the earth taken from satellites are all photoshoped because the satellites aren't nearly far enough away from the planet to take a picture of the whole thing. What they do is take a bunch of pictures as they orbit and NASA compiles the images into a whole picture of the earth. Think of taking a hundred pictures of a basketball with the lens less than an inch away. This is also obviously why the other satellites aren't in the pictures.

Everything in space is moving. A thousand miles an hour is super slow on the scale of the universe, which as far as we know, is infinite. The sky is constantly changing and humans have been able to predict the movement of the stars since at least Copernicus. The constellations we see now aren't exactly the same as the ones seen by the ancient world. If the earth is flat and not spinning, what is the explanation of the movement of the stars? It's not good enough to say "this doesn't make sense, so it's not true." Science uses the best explanation available, and Flat Earth has no explanation.

The Earth is not a perfect sphere. Some places are flat and some have peaks. I was just on top of a mountain in the Rockies and I could see for well over 40 miles. That doesn't prove the Earth is flat, just that some places have a higher elevation than others.

Surveyors and engineers do not factor in the curvature of the earth because they engineer specifically for the terrain they are building on. Once again, the earth isn't a perfect sphere. If you build a railroad through the mountains, what's more important: the gigantic rocks or the overall average curve of the Earth?

All of the arguments above seem to be based on the idea that the average curve of the Earth must be visible everywhere on Earth. This is just nonsense.

The better question is, how is finding out the Earth is flat going to stop the criminal elite? The guy emailing you is telling you to "Put the Pedo's on hold." Uh...

Don't look at the man behind the curtain.

The scale of the "deception" would have to be so big that it includes millions of people worldwide. Not just government agents, either. Is there some secret "Men in Black" that show up in college physics classes when they study Newtonian Physics? Not when I went to college, they didn't.

This is clearly a counter intelligence operation meant to make people who question the official narrative look crazy. And, frankly, it works. Most people automatically dismiss you when you say the Earth is flat. How is that going to help anything you do?


Yeah, exactly. Stop investigating child sex trafficking. Pay attention to this nonsense over here instead. Oh, and don't worry that paying attention to it discredits you, and it makes you look foolish. Therefore, people can ignore everything you do.

The child sex trafficking is part of the distraction too.

No, it is not. You think it is fake? Seriously? So all the people getting arrested for it are just an illusion? We are surrounded by child predators. That's not a distraction. It's a disgrace.

The heliocentric model Is the biggest lie ever told and the single biggest control system the Jesuits have put in place.

And if William Wallace were here, consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse.

No need for men in black. Just kidnap a generation at young age, put them into government indoctrination centers, teach them useless lies and watch how they will gladly pass these on to the next generation.

You're totally missing the point. What happens when all those students become capable of proving the earth is a sphere on their own?

Mostly, the reason flat earth still persists is because there's a bunch of "government indoctrinated" people out there with almost no grasp of science and very little understanding of logic and less of history. The flat earth was disproven about 200 bc using math, a couple sticks, shadows, and some footwork. You too can reproduce the experiment should you wish to, and you can do it anywhere on earth.

IF you can prove the earth a sphere, on your own, scientifically, I'll eat my hat.

Easily done. Don't eat your hat, though. You might get sick.

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