
Video of the starcar from Earth

There is no other explanation. There is no way that little blip of light could be anything other than a mannequin driving an electric car around space. Good job!

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but if you actually want to argue that the Earth is flat then I can't do it with you, I'm sorry, it's too much for me.

It is a little rude to state that people you disagree with have zero sense, and then not support that statement. You are representing astrophysicists!

I didnt say that people I agree with have zero sense and I didnt suggest you have either. But I am an Astrophysicist and I studied a lot and hard and I came to the educated conclusion the Earth is spherical and not flat.

Sorry if you think differently.

Maybe you could stand to further your education. Don't be sorry.

If the earth is flat, then what is keeping all those things flying around in the sky from crashing to the ground?

Wings and jet engines. At least the thing I'm looking at. You see something different?

And where is the sonic boom? Yes I see something traveling around in space without a jet engine.

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