
Although, the properties given to gravity can be demonstrated. Throw something up, and you can surmise, it will fall. You can call that gravity or underwear gnomes. The "something" falls every single time. Never does it float in space forever. So, it is proven, if you drop it, it will fall to the earth. Or, the first solid thing strong enough to hold it up. What would you call that? Evolution, is another story. Still some strong arguments. But, flat earth, cause my bible says so. Yeah, and the bible says children are cursed because of their parents sins. So, mentally disabled kids are because of sin? You can't pick and choose. You either say the bible is absolute authority, or guidelines. Diabetics, should they pray to god, or take their insulin? That would be science, ya know. So, does science have ALL the answers? Nope. But, boy they get some things very right. I'm gonna believe my planet looks and acts like others we see in space. But, I'm just brainwashed.

Throw a helium balloon up, It won't fall back down. Density makes the apple fall from the tree.

The helium balloon, will eventually fall to the ground. Everything eventually falls. When the helium escapes. No solid item will ever float, unless you use gas to lift it.

I agree but that's due to Density.

If gravity didn't exist, there would be no need for helium in the balloon in the first place. Thanks for proving my point. Why the helium? Just toss up the balloon. What happens?

Gravity Is only a theory It Isn't proven, objects fall due to density.

The effect of falling occurs. There is a density of air oxygen vs density of helium effect. DENSITY DIFFERENTIAL causes the speed. 9.8m/s through air. Different through water, different density.

The effect of falling exists. It's not caused by centrifical pull of rotation. We are telling you GRAVITY doesn't exist, not that the observable effects called 'gravity' erroniously doesn't exist.

It's just not caused by a rotating planet... or it would be proven already. Please, a 500 year old THEORY is garbage.. It would be proven by now. They have CERN, and can't prove gravity? WAKE UP.

Sure, "what goes up must come down" can be called gravity. How does this prove stars and planets floating in space? Circling around each other and bending light etc?

You are. Gravity is an UNPROVEN THEORY. Go look into it. Just like evolution. Lotta old THEORIES THAT CAN'T BE PROVEN, HUH?

I could prove that there is gravity.
!. Everything is being pulled down. FACT
2.All falling objects fall at a specific acceleration dependent on it's height from sea level. FACT(was gonna say from center of earth, but.......)

  1. Everything's weight is determined by it's mass times the gravitational acceleration, at sea level about 32 ft. per second.

There is gravity, but gravity is an effect, not a cause. No one knows the cause of gravity. Newtons laws are correct and have been used by engineers and architects for nearly 400 hundred. Skyscrapers, airplanes bridges, etc. wouldn't be possible without them.

"What goes up must come down" can be called gravity. How does this prove stars and planets floating in space? Circling around each other and bending light etc? Existence of downward acceleration here does not say anything about how bodies would behave in supposed space.

It is true the fundamental origin of gravity IS just a theory, just because it is proportional to mass does not mean mass is the cause of gravitational force. This is still a mystery to science. HOWEVER 9.81m/s^2 IS the acceleration of objects due to earths gravity. I personally have measured and confirmed this well known force several times via experimentation along with countless others throughout history and 9.81m/s^2 stands the test of time. Finnian is correct in both his explanations of gravity pulling water and the hiding of classified locations with digital fakes.

Here is a thought experiment: take a theoretical string that is 1000 miles long, lay it against any curved surface (including the earth) and drive along that string. how many miles does the odometer read at the end of the string?

Every curved surface if looked at close enough is a straight line.
Every flat and smooth surface if looked at close enough is a rough surface.
(I look through microscopes every day and see these facts with my own 2 eyes)

I was also a sailor in the USCG before becoming an engineer and sailed all over this globe. I have looked through binoculars and observed ships appearing and disappearing over the horizon.

could prove that there is gravity.
!. Everything is being pulled down. FACT
2.All falling objects fall at a specific acceleration dependent on it's height from sea level. FACT(was gonna say from center of earth, but.......)

  1. Everything's weight is determined by it's mass times the gravitational acceleration, at sea level about 32 ft. per second.

There is gravity, but gravity is an effect, not a cause. No one knows the cause of gravity. Newtons laws are correct and have been used by engineers and architects for nearly 400 hundred. Skyscrapers, airplanes bridges, etc. wouldn't be possible without them.

No-one is arguing with that constant. Just what is causing it.,. We do know. it's DENSITY DIFFERENTIAL. Simple. Wake up. The observable law is correct. Agreed. It's not caused by what they say at all. Simple as that. Everyone took gravity into account before they had a name for it, and also after the lied about what it was. The cognitive dissonance is phenomenal on this topic.

Why isn't my post being displayed the way I wrote it?

Not arguing the existence of downward acceleration. You can call it whatever you want. Still does not say anything about Earth being a planet in infinite space.

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