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RE: Flat Earthers - Failed.

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

Dear humanity:

May your fall be swift, and allow as many large animal species to continue to exist as possible.

The blackness of death is a darkness humans have forgotten. When the plagues roll through the foolish, brainwashed population, I will cackle with madness as the cultists pray for relief.

But no relief will come.

Chaos shall reign upon the heralding of the blackest plague.



You are not afraid of the dread by night, Of the arrow that flies by day, Of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Of destruction that ravages at midday. A thousand fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it does not come near you. Only with your eyes you look on, And see the reward of the wrong ones. Because you have made יהוה – My refuge, the Most High – your dwelling place, No evil befalls you, And a plague does not come near your tent; For He commands His messengers concerning you, To guard you in all your ways.


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