Gravity, Nukes, Satellites, and the DOME

in #flatearth8 years ago


ALL "effects" of gravity can be observationally and experimentally PROVEN to be present in buoyancy and density ALONE. The only NEED for gravity exist within the minds of evil government-funded "scientists" who HATE the Creator and wish to lie to all mankind WHILE LAUGHING IN THEIR STUPID UPTURNED FACES!

Gravity is REQUIRED in their constructed "universe". Without it, heliocentrism and atomic physics DIES A QUICK DEATH. Scientism says there is gravity and their "math" predicts it. This "math prediction" is the sum of their greatest "evidence" for gravity. There are no "planets". There are no "asteroids" threatening Earth. There are no "extraterrestrials". There ARE fallen beings from a higher dimension or plane of existence but they are FROM HERE.

Nuclear bombs are either manifestations of microwave/scalar technology or simple TNT/RDX/SIMTEX explosions that FOOL the MASSES. "Radioactive" nukes are a PSYOP... a Very effective one. Once the governments of the Earth all agreed there is no escaping or destroying the DOME, they made a treaty banning such scalar explosions. They also made a treaty forbidding the unescorted exploration of either "pole", especially Antarctica. Not even Billionaires can go to either pole unaccompanied by gov goons.

They can destroy entire cities and beyond with their tech. However, this tech is NOT nuclear. I believe it to be scalar and microwave based. Hence all the DEATH TOWERS all around you... every where you go. Nuclear power plants operate at a SLOW BURN and do produce massive radioactivity humans will have to deal with for the next 10,000 years at least. All of them are built ON FAULT LINES, ON rivers, or within 50 miles of the coast FOR A REASON. With the current infrastructure of microwave DEATH TOWERS, they can take out an entire nation at the flip of a switch... well 90% anyway. The rest are easy mop up.

Balloons keep satellites in the atmosphere. Space begins at 61 miles high according to NASA. IF the Dome is 350 to 7500 miles high, buoyancy and density STILL matter and all vehicles or "satellites" will fall back to Earth absent continuous lift. Believing in gravity is just like believing in fairy tales. There may be a hint of truth to some of fairy tales, but trusting your life or real science to them is RIDICULOUS!

My guess is nothing "orbits" but instead they use balloons. If space begins at 99 kilometers like NASA says, there are likely many "satellites" up there in our atmosphere. However, they cannot be operating above 37 miles high. Any craft able to stay aloft higher than that must use CONTINUOUS LIFT via rockets to overcome buoyancy and density. In my view, even a "craft" at 500 miles high will fall back to Earth absent positive, continuous LIFT. Gravity does not cause this effect. Seeing bubbles, wire harnesses, and green screen glitches in almost all NASA productions should give any thinking man or woman pause.

Simple PROOF: During a full moon, use a five meter or larger telescope to peer towards the full moon. According to NASA, we should all see MANY satellites per hour flying in FRONT of the full moon. All we EVER get to see is DOTS moving. FAILBOAT when they can read the date on a penny on the moon's surface FROM Earth with telescopes that large. We should be able to READ the writing on these satellites... NOT be ignorantly convinced by a moving dot of light and priests wearing white lab coats.

Another unqualified guess of mine: NASA and the US Military (including China, Russia, and all other Space Agencies) use specially trained C-130 aircrews to retrieve the satellites AT WILL as long as they can reach them before their lift expires (90-120 days). Then they simply relaunch an overlapping satellite if it is crucial to national security without any loss of coverage. The USA, INC. does these launches and retrievals all over Earth, including Palestine, Texas.

ballone satellite launch.jpg

This info would be TOP SECRET (SCI) at a minimum and if CONFIRMED by a credible source would be considered TREASON. Suck an egg CIA DOD. I am NOT a "credible" witness being retired over 10 years now. Maybe i am a good guesser? Any Federal agent wanting my ID, show me your power. I have serious doubts about the NASA claim they have satellites "orbiting" thousands of miles up in space as balloon technology only goes up a maximum of 200,000 feet or 37 miles high (in theory). Consider requiring actual proof NASA is not lying and stealing. Trusting scientism is trusting the government funded religion... all based upon theories without any hard evidence.

One last point. IF the Earth is a spinning ball that wobbles as all Earth/Space scientism says it does, what do you do with the star, Polaris? ANY Earth wobble would be detectable by amateur astronomers. Are there any out there with such proof of an earth wobble? If so, please comment. I remain open to evidence and real science.

Ninja Tesla.jpg

Galt's Ghost


You have my vote friend. I for one believe we do not live on a spinning ball of the dimensions we have been told. And there are many things that don't add up! It is hard however to know with any kind of certainty what the truth is.

And I can tell you from experience, you won't make too many friends here on Steemit discussing this topic. Some people can become very aggressive. It's a bit strange actually.

Anyway, best of luck to you :)

I agree with you on this one.

Thank you for your kind upvote. Seem to be worth a fair bit these days :)

thanks much for being brave then! i am here to voice what i believe and voice what i know. to each their own! Be the change you wish to see in others. That is about the best course of action, imo.

It amazes me that this sort of thinking exists in modern times.
You really believe it don't you?
I hope you'll realise one day that it's "Crazy People talk".

BTW: Check out @movievertigo's latest Steemit post from yesterday (Sunday, April 9th 2017).
ISS passing in front of the moon
Totally destroys your assertion that satellites can't be seen passing the moon.
They travel very fast and you only get seconds to see it, if your timing is right.

The ISS is just another dot... IF it were "in space", how does that flimsy contraption withstand all the ballistic space junk whizzing around at over 17K MPH? How do they block the dangerous radiation up that high (200 miles up supposedly)? How do they keep all their seals intact when the temp varies to such extremes? Were you aware that even NASA admits they can no longer leave low Earth "orbit"? LOL I bet you believe we landed on the moon as well, right?

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