Flat Earth - here are a few short simple questions to think about.

in #flatearth6 years ago

There is absolute proof that the earth is flat without even needing to perform experiments or see evidence. These are logic based questions that PROVE beyond any doubt that you CANNOT be on a ball, the only real question is – Do you have the intelligence to think about it?

( Water is always flat on the surface, therefore it cannot curve round a globe. )

The only time we see a curvature of water is when it drips or is in the process of dripping. When water lands it will always find its level. Fill up a bath, cup, sink, bowl or anything else and the water will remain flat on the surface, it cannot curve.

( Water must be contained, it cannot stick to the exterior of an object without drying up or dripping off. )

Pick up a rock and call it the earth, now pour water all over it and watch the water fall to the ground, you do not pour water on the outside of your cup, you pour it in your cup. Water must be contained.

( Spin a wet tennis ball in the air and the water flies off. )

Let’s pretend that by some miracle that this rock we are apparently standing on could have water stuck to its outside, if the earth is rotating at the thousand miles an hour like they tell you it is, all the oceans would fly off.

( If the earth is spinning at 1000MPH how does a plane land on a moving runway? )

If the ground is moving at one thousand miles per hour how does a plane flying at another few hundred make contact with it without exploding? It would be quite the crash, don’t you think..

( If we are spinning at 1000MPH why can’t you feel it. )

You can feel even the slightest acceleration in a car, you can feel it walking down the street when the wind blows, but the ground beneath your feet moving faster than the speed of sound doesn’t even cause a wobble, Hmmm..

‘We are moving with it’ is not an acceptable answer and here is why; When you are contained in a plane, car, train etc. you are contained. Now, try standing on the roof of that train and see how fucking well ya do.

There are literally thousands of proofs for people to look at but I understand that most of you are retards, if you can’t get your head around these then leave it up your arse. I'm not here to argue about the FACT that you are not a big ball flying through space, I'm simply bringing more light to the topic, if you think yourself to be smart get over to YouTube and search for flat earth proofs, try debunking them.

No need to upvote me, just wake up or fuck off.


Crrrrrrazy man. I really have to get used to this new idea of a flat earth. I heard about it for the first time only a couple of weeks ago. I don't know much about physics, unfortunately. I wonder if the laws work different on a larger scale? How do you know it works that way?

Anyway thank you for putting this together, it's very interesting.

There is a million proofs that we have been lied to about everything, think about this.. They say the sun is a ball of burning gas but space has no oxygen, so how does it burn?

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