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RE: The Flat Earth Map is Actually a Globe

Sorry, your post is wrong. (I don't mean to be offensive, but you failed in the first paragraph)

You didn't even touch on any of the flat earth's actual evidence.
You cleverly side stepped it all.

This kind of poor arguments makes me sad.

BTW: I do not believe in the flat earth model or the ball earth model.


Yet you did not provide any evidence that I'm wrong. Saying that the post is wrong, while not even saying WHY it's wrong is just a logical fallacy.

You're right, I did not touch on why the flat earth theory is incorrect, because that is NOT WHAT THIS POST IS ABOUT, and I referred you to one of my other posts that DOES show why it's incorrect.

THIS post is about how the flat earth map is actually an AZIMUTHAL PROJECTION MAP OF A GLOBE and how flat earthers are too stupid to even know it. If it were a post about the flat earth ARGUMENTS, and why their arguments are wrong, I would have discussed that. But it was not. It was about their MAP and nothing else, so why would I discuss why their ARGUMENTS are wrong on a post about their MAP? That is a strawman argument. Those kinds of poor arguments make ME sad.

So, please tell me what my post is incorrect about, particularly from the 'first paragraph'.

Please make an honest argument and specific about what is incorrect, or simply admit that it's not incorrect. That is how a 'good' argument actually works.

Take a look at your first paragraph.

To sum up:

Your stupid, Q.E.D.

That is a very bad way to start a discussion or an argument.

Further, you don't know how maps are made.
No map starts with a globe. They start with points. A list of latitudes and longitudes.
And these are plotted onto some kind of grid.
And there is all kinds of grids, each giving various results (with strengths and weaknesses)

LOL. You are horrible at debate. First of all, you missed the ENTIRE POINT about flat earth maps, and instead you are off on some crazy tangent about my writing skills not being to your satisfaction, while misquoting and misinterpreting what I said.

Second: I never used the word 'your' for 'you're' and I didn't say, "your stupid'. You have the right to interpret anything any way you wish, but to say that the CONTENT Of my post is incorrect, then critique my writing skills instead of stating where I am wrong is just illogical.

Third: It wasn't a documentary on how maps are MADE, but how THIS PARTICULAR map is DERIVED. It's DERIVED from a globe. Of course maps do not 'start as a globe', as if there is a machine that somehow 'presses' globes into flat shapes. The POINT was that, and it is correct to say so, that an Azimuthal Projection Map is DERIVED first, from a globe!

By critiquing my writing, then acting like I'm making a documentary about how maps are made, you seem to be avoiding the ENTIRE POINT of the article- that the flat earth community has no actual map or model of flat earth reality. Their map is derived from a GLOBE, not the reality of flat earth.

What about that is confusing to you, or angers you so much? THEY USE A MAP DERIVED FROM A GLOBE and call it a 'flat earth map'. Their model is totally and completely incorrect, yet most of them don't even realize it!

It's hilarious and sad that people are so unintelligent that they do not even know this.

I am not here for a debate. When you start off your post with an ad hominum, then there is nothing to debate.

I am pointing out that your doing so loses all credibility with anyone who you may actually want to debate. But, I guess you just want to preach to the choir. People who are with you chant, "yeah, he just called the other side stupid." Anybody who would actually like to debate finds this type of opening sad.

You came here telling me that my post was 'incorrect' so you OBVIOUSLY came here to 'debate', but now you are saying that you are not here for an argument! What a turnaround!

But then, when forced to concede that my post has no ERRORS, which was your contention, you continue to tell me that you do not like my writing STYLE, and you still offer nothing INCORRECT.

So, it seems you are just here to offer ad homs yourself by simply lying to try to discredit me by lying about my post being INCORRECT.. almost certainly because you simply do not agree with the CONTENT, so you pretend that you have an actual argument against it, when you cannot produce one.

And by the way, saying that someone has lack of logic, then SHOWING WHY, as I did on my previous article, is not an ad hom.

My comments were descriptions of substantiated and accurate observations of the lack of logic and reason being used by flat earthers for them to come to a particular unscientific conclusion. That is not an ad hom.

Ad homs are UNSUBSTANTIATED insults, designed to AVOID debate... like yours claiming that my post is incorrect, then saying that you are not here to debate.

You're 'sad' that people use ad homs... then INCORRECTLY categorize my comments as ad homs, then go on to actually use an ad hom yourself!

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