
Yes, reality as we know it changes... when we discover new science that causes us to question our beliefs. Then we do more science that confirms or denies this new science. However, flat earthers have done none of that. They just ignore the science and go by what they see and feel. When you show them that what they see and feel is wrong, they will just ignore it.

Case in point, the fact that the only map they've been able to produce in thousands of years of thought is a globe projected onto a flat surface.

I see you are worried that people dont believe the institutional science, and relying own their own instincts and logic.

No, I 'worry' that logic, reason, math, and science are going out the window in favor of people being too stupid or lazy to do their own research. And instead, they listen to gurus who tell them what to think, and play on their egos by telling them how smart they are for doing the exact opposite of everyone else.

If you were to read the first article I wrote, that I linked to in the first paragraph, you'll see that I praise anyone who questions the 'status quo' and any particular model. However, instead of doing science and testing hypotheses, because they have questions, they outright reject one model and adopt a FAR FAR worse model that in no way explains known reality because it 'sounds' good and makes them seem special, like they have 'secret' knowledge that no one else does, when they really just watched someone's lame YouTube video that simply did math and science totally incorrectly.

And when you give them actual proofs and science, they simply reject it outright in favor of conspiracy theories and claims of being special snowflakes because they do not believe the status quo.

its' like they believe they are special and superior SIMPLY because they don't believe what they were taught. It's like the antithesis of rational thought. They derive their belief, not because they are thinking, but because someone told them something and they simply reject it without looking into it at all for themselves!

They are not using 'their own instincts and logic', they are REJECTING logic entirely, and simply getting their info from gurus who play to their egos.

I wish that 99% would really understand physics and math. Most people just rely on what they told. (Gurus as you say).
Not every one that knows how to draw an equation on a board knows the truth.
I respect science, but also respect humanity and the great forces in the universe. I think its naive to believe that science has the answer.
For instance, do you know that there is no experiment on the affect of lemon water?
Do you know why?
Because there is lack of financial incentive to research the affect of natural ingredients on the human body.
So please be more open minded, and more ampiric, and dont believe unless you fully understand or at least sense and feel.
There is plenty of wisdom inside you.

By the way, literally two minutes of searching found pages and pages of studies on lemon juice!

Here's just a few:

If you were to actually look and see what I do, I'm a Functional Medicine Practitioner and do all of my own medical research. I have found tens of thousands, or possibly hundreds of thousands of research studies on natural ingredients and diets and how they effect the human body. I've literally spent the last 8 years of my life reading these studies and writing to laypeople about the positive results of these studies.

That is just my point about flat earthers not doing their research. They listen to 'guru's' who tell them that they are 'special' because they get this super secret inside information that no one has ever researched.

All the while, there are tens of thousands of studies on it. But they just simply don't bother.

Who said that I deny the 'wisdom inside of us'? And how did you determine that I'm not 'open minded'? Wow, you are really jumping to conclusions based on nothing.

There also IS science that tells us the answer to things that are NOT empiric. To use 'empirics' and ignore science is not 'open minded' either. Especially since SCIENCE shows us that our senses can fool us. There are thousands upon thousands of optical illusions, and people performing 'magic' is a lucrative business for the very REASON that our 'wisdom inside of us' can be easily fooled.

However, when the 'wisdom inside us', for instance the SENSATION that we live on a still plane, is ENTIRELY disputed by thousands of years of scientific evidence that are repeatable and you are able to do many of them yourself to prove your senses incorrect... well, choosing the 'wisdom inside of you' over thousands of points of evidence is just denial of reality, and is in no way a measure of great intellect.

According to you, we should also believe that people get smaller as they get further away from us, despite 'institutionalized science', whatever that means, telling us that is not what happens. According to you, anyone who believes that people's size does not change greatly when they get far away is simply not being 'open minded'.

Here's a few optical illusions for you. Now tell me that your senses are foolproof. Go ahead, look at them and tell me that the 'wisdom inside of you' is always correct.

Thank you for your efforts. I appreciate your answers. Following you.

I love the part you wrote - "According to you, we should also believe that people get smaller as they get further away from us"
Well you know thet we all know to tell sizes and distance by our inner algorithm.
I must admit though, you did convince in your passion. And I value your good will.

Would it be possible that science is lying to you for the love of money?

Ummm, that I can look at the sky and know for a 100% fact that it's round from simple observations tells me know. It sounds like you are parroting what YouTubers say instead of actually gaining intelligence on how we have known with 100% certainty the earth is a globe for almost 2000 years now. And we have known with 100% certainty it's heliocentric since the invention of the telescope and the simple observation and measurement of stellar parallax.

and for the lust of control and domination maybe?

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