
I know about it. Now explain to me if the vaccine is supposed to work like we are told, how is an unprotected (unvaxxed) child a danger to a protected (vaxxed) child? Whats the point of getting a vaccine if it doesn't protect you from what it's supposed to?

How do you not know the answer to that if you know what herd immunity is?

I'm sorry I did not come to the same conclusion you did after doing research. So let me ask it this way, you have a herd of 19 cattle, all fully vaccinated (protected), and one is added to the herd that is not vaccinated (unprotected). At this point you have a herd with 95% vaccination rate. How does that 1 pose a threat to the 19?

The unvaccinated cattle is a refuge for viruses which could not survive in the vaccinated cattle. This gives it someplace to mutate until it's able to infect the vaccinated cattle. The continuous mutation of viruses is why you need more than one flu shot throughout life.

If 100% of the cattle are vaccinated, there are no available hosts, and the virus dies out. A great many diseases have been defeated this way throughout human history. Not because 100% of people were vaccinated but because a large enough majority were in developed countries that the disease persisted only in small, remote populations. Some of those diseases are now coming back because of refusal to vaccinate.

You've just destroyed your own argument for herd immunity. Huge numbers of adults who have been vaccinated are no longer immune because vaccines don't work for very long. If herd immunity could be achieved...that would be by the population developing true, natural immunity, thereby limiting the potential for contagion and offering some protection to those potentially more vulnerable.

You've just destroyed your own argument for herd immunity.

According to an internet rando with no medical qualifications. What shape do you suppose the Earth is, Cletus?

Huge numbers of adults who have been vaccinated are no longer immune because vaccines don't work for very long

Because viruses mutate. Do you acknowledge that viruses mutate?

If herd immunity could be achieved...that would be by the population developing true, natural immunity, thereby limiting the potential for contagion and offering some protection to those potentially more vulnerable.

Viruses, bacteria and other pathogens mutate too quickly for this to occur. The rate of human evolution is drastically slower because a human takes over a decade to mature before they can reproduce. Microorganisms reproduce much, much, much faster.

Again, you are destroying your own argument.

  1. Lifelong immunity to pathogens is possible with naturally acquired immunity.
  2. If the pathogens are mutating so fast the immune system cannot keep up, why isn't everyone sick?
  3. How can herd immunity work as you suggest if the pathogens are mutating so fast. Surely the vaccines would be rendered ineffective by the same process. (There are many reasons that vaccines do not have the efficacy they are claimed to.)

If not going to insult you as you have tried to insult me, I'll let logic speak for itself.

That all sounds good on paper but it ignores real-world observable evidence. Whether you think the Earth is 6000 years old or six billion years old without vaccines how did humans and animals survive as long as they have? If viruses and diseases work like you say they do then how come there hasn't been a mass extinction prior to the development of our modern vaccines?

Dear humanity:

May your fall be swift, and allow as many large animal species to continue to exist as possible.

The blackness of death is a darkness humans have forgotten. When the plagues roll through the foolish, brainwashed population, I will cackle with madness as the cultists pray for relief.

But no relief will come.

Chaos shall reign upon the heralding of the blackest plague.


You are not afraid of the dread by night, Of the arrow that flies by day, Of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Of destruction that ravages at midday. A thousand fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it does not come near you. Only with your eyes you look on, And see the reward of the wrong ones. Because you have made יהוה – My refuge, the Most High – your dwelling place, No evil befalls you, And a plague does not come near your tent; For He commands His messengers concerning you, To guard you in all your ways.


Also I'm curious, do you think vaccines should be mandatory?

I would love to hear your explanation of the mumps outbreak of 2016 in Arkansas where there were over 1200 reported cases with 98% of the infected being vaccinated prior to being infected and the outbreak originated from a vaccinated individual and no one died.

@alexbeyman in fact it appears you never did respond to his last statement nor did you answer my question of whether or not you think vaccines should be mandatory? I'll add another question, do you have children?

  1. Link me
  2. No, I don't have kids
  3. I don't think vaccines should be mandatory. But if your child dies as a result or you cause an outbreak, I think a prison sentence is in order.

You're the one ignoring my questions. What shape do you believe the Earth to be, and how old would you say it is?

I have never been high enough in the sky to concretely say what shape the earth is. I believe the earth to be close to 6,000 years old.

So if an out break can be traced back to a vaccine, which it has, because there are live virus vaccines, then you think the vaccine manufacturer should be held liable. That's a really good thought except our federal government in all there wisdom had granted the manufacturers immunity from ever being charged and instead set up the vaccine injury fund.

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